Polar Claw

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Polar Claw, alternatively written as Polarclaw and known as White Claw in Japan, is a name applied to two Polar bear-themed Transformers characters.


Generation 1

The first Polar Claw was introduced in the Beast Wars toy line, but did not appear in the animated series.

IDW Publishing

Polar Claw appeared in IDW Publishing's Beast Wars: The Gathering, in which he was the first Protoform to be activated as a Maximal due to Razorbeast's intervention in Magmatron's plans. He made short work of Spittor before going on to join Razorbeast's Maximal milita in its various battles with Magmatron's Predacons.


  • Polar Claw (1996)
A figure released individually or with Predacon Scorponok; later recolored into Survive and Barbearian/Grizzly-1.

Aligned Continuity

Animated series

The second Polarclaw appeared in Robots in Disguise, where it was his robot mode that was polar bear-themed rather than his beast mode. A crime boss over Cybertron's northern most region, he was known for planning far ahead in order to accommodate his hibernation periods. He was imprisoned aboard the Alchemor and later escaped after it crashed on Earth, and was eventually confronted by Optimus Prime's team of Autobots. Though his snow cat alternate mode and great strength proved challenging, he was eventually defeated by teh sueprior cunning of his foes and laid low by a punch from Optimus.