User talk:Lasan

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  • Instead of an unknown word in a phrase

Allows you to search for a phrase in which one or more words are unknown. This operator is especially helpful when an unknown word or a doubtful word is in the middle of a phrase. With *, you can pick up new combinations of words that on their own might never have come to mind.

For example, we want to know how, in addition to the obvious "good" or "bad", you can characterize the user experience, "User Experience (UX)". If you just enter a phrase into the search bar, we get more than two million matches, among which there will be combinations of the search word with all possible parts of speech. It will take half your life to select the "adjective + UX" pattern among all the options. The specialists can help you - it's better in this matter

It is much easier and more convenient to set the context using the * operator so that the word missing in the phrase is an adjective. For example: "to enable a * UX". Don't show text to a native speaker when possible

If you work for a large international company, you probably have English-speaking colleagues to whom you can show your text. Perhaps your company even employs professional English-language editors. Then you are very lucky. Otherwise, there are many services on the net like or, where freelancers from the USA or the UK will gladly check your text for little money. In English, such a person is called the capacious word "proofreader".

Use the editorial services to take over the terminology, spelling, and punctuation checking yourself. After all, a person may absolutely not understand the topic you are writing about. You also may not know anything about the literacy level of the examiner.