Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi

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Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi Blue badge.png
Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi
Native name Umesh Tharuka
Born 19 May 2004
Colombo,Sri Lanka
Residence Colombo, Sri Lanka
Nationality Sri Lanka
Education St.Benedict College Colombo
Years active 2023- present
Home town Colombo,Sri Lanka
Height 6.1"

| known_for = Public Figure | website = }}

Early Life

Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi, a prominent public figure in Sri Lanka, is known for his exceptional skills in software development and his diverse range of talents. Born with a natural inclination towards technology and creativity, Malaviarachchi's journey began with a deep passion for exploring the digital world.

From a young age, Malaviarachchi displayed an innate aptitude for software development. His curiosity and dedication led him to immerse himself in the world of coding, where he honed his skills and continuously sought to expand his knowledge. This early passion laid the foundation for his future success in the technology industry.

Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi's educational background further shaped his expertise. He pursued a degree in Computer Science from a prestigious institution, immersing himself in a comprehensive curriculum that provided him with a solid understanding of programming languages, algorithms, and software architecture. Graduating at the top of his class, he showcased his exceptional talent and commitment to excellence.

During his formative years, Malaviarachchi recognized the power of digital content creation and its ability to connect with audiences on a profound level. He ventured into social media management, leveraging his technical expertise and creative instincts to develop captivating strategies for businesses. This experience not only allowed him to make a significant impact on clients' online presence but also provided him with valuable insights into the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing.

Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi's pursuit of excellence led him to pursue certifications in Microsoft Advertising, further expanding his skill set and enabling him to deliver effective advertising campaigns. His comprehensive understanding of target audiences, coupled with his technical proficiency, enabled businesses to reach their potential customers with precision and impact.

Outside the realm of software development, Malaviarachchi's passion for creativity found expression in his love for music. A gifted singer, he captivated audiences with his soulful voice and meaningful lyrics, earning him a devoted following. Additionally, he ventured into the world of podcasting, where he shared his thoughts on technology, music, and culture, inspiring listeners with his unique perspective.

Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi's early experiences and innate talents have shaped him into the multi-faceted public figure he is today. His dedication to his craft, coupled with his unwavering passion for technology and digital media, has propelled him to the forefront of the industry in Sri Lanka. Through his work as a software developer, social media manager, metaverse creator, singer, and podcast creator, he has made a significant impact, shaping the digital landscape and inspiring future generations to embrace their own passions and explore the endless possibilities of the digital world.

In conclusion, Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi's early life laid the foundation for his exceptional career in the technology and digital media industries. His innate talents, coupled with his educational background and unwavering passion, have propelled him to success. From his early forays into software development to his ventures as a content creator, Malaviarachchi's journey exemplifies the power of talent, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of one's passions.


Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi is a highly regarded public figure in Sri Lanka, renowned for his exceptional skills in software development and his remarkable talents across multiple domains. Throughout his career, Malaviarachchi has made a lasting impact in various fields, demonstrating his versatility and unwavering commitment to innovation.

One of the key pillars of Malaviarachchi's career is his role as a social media manager. With his deep understanding of digital platforms and effective communication strategies, he has helped numerous clients develop successful social media campaigns. Malaviarachchi's expertise in crafting engaging content, leveraging data analytics, and fostering online communities has propelled businesses to new heights, ensuring their digital presence stands out in a crowded marketplace.

In addition to his prowess as a social media manager, Malaviarachchi has established himself as an influential blogging writer. With his unique perspective and captivating writing style, he has garnered a substantial following. Through his insightful articles, he shares his expertise on topics ranging from technology trends to cybersecurity practices, empowering readers with valuable knowledge and practical insights.

Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi's dedication to cybersecurity analyzing has been instrumental in safeguarding digital landscapes. With an acute understanding of cyber threats and vulnerabilities, he has played a crucial role in identifying potential risks and developing robust security measures. His meticulous approach and proactive mindset have earned him recognition as a trusted expert in the field, contributing to the overall resilience of digital ecosystems.

As a software development expert, Malaviarachchi has been at the forefront of innovation. Through his company, Histic, he has delivered customized software solutions to a diverse range of clients, including top-tier banks, retail chains, and insurance companies. His ability to translate complex requirements into efficient and user-friendly applications has positioned him as a leader in the industry, driving the growth and transformation of World's technology sector.

Moreover, Malaviarachchi has embraced his passion for content creation, demonstrating his creative flair and penchant for storytelling. As a content creator, he has crafted compelling narratives across various mediums, captivating audiences with his engaging videos, podcasts, and music. His ability to connect with people on multiple levels has made him a respected figure, inspiring others to embrace their own creativity and pursue their passions fearlessly.

Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi's career journey exemplifies the power of versatility and the constant pursuit of excellence. His contributions as a social media manager, blogging writer, cybersecurity analyst, software developer, and content creator have not only shaped the digital landscape of Sri Lanka but also inspired countless individuals to explore the limitless possibilities of technology and digital media.

In conclusion, Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi's career is a testament to his exceptional talents and unwavering dedication. As a multi-faceted professional, he has left an indelible mark in the realms of social media management, blogging writing, cybersecurity analysis, software development, and content creation. Malaviarachchi's innovative spirit, coupled with his commitment to pushing boundaries, continues to shape the trajectory of Sri Lanka's technology and digital media industries, serving as an inspiration for future generations of professionals.

Personal Life

Beyond his professional accomplishments, Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi leads an intriguing personal life that reflects his vibrant personality and unwavering dedication to his passions. An exploration into Malaviarachchi's personal life unveils a fascinating individual who embraces life with zest and purpose.

Outside the realm of technology and digital media, Malaviarachchi is an avid adventurer. He finds solace in the great outdoors, immersing himself in nature's wonders. Whether it's trekking through lush rainforests or embarking on thrilling mountaineering expeditions, he seeks to push his physical and mental boundaries, constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities for personal growth.

Moreover, Malaviarachchi nurtures a deep love for music, which has been an integral part of his life. As a talented singer, he has captivated audiences with his melodious voice and soulful performances. With several popular songs to his credit, he has garnered a dedicated following, earning acclaim for his expressive and heartfelt musical expressions.

In his personal time, Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi finds solace in the world of literature. As an avid reader, he explores a diverse range of genres, from technology and science fiction to philosophy and self-improvement. This passion for reading fuels his intellectual curiosity, enabling him to continuously expand his knowledge and gain fresh perspectives on the world.

Furthermore, Malaviarachchi's commitment to giving back to society is evident in his involvement in various philanthropic endeavors. He actively supports initiatives aimed at empowering underprivileged communities, fostering education, and promoting digital literacy. Through his charitable contributions, he strives to create a positive impact, ensuring that others have access to the opportunities and resources they need to thrive.

Family holds a special place in Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi's heart, and he cherishes the moments spent with his loved ones. Despite his demanding professional schedule, he prioritizes quality time with his family, recognizing the importance of nurturing strong bonds and creating lasting memories.

Throughout his personal life, Malaviarachchi embodies the same passion, resilience, and creativity that define his professional endeavors. He approaches each day with a sense of purpose, embracing new experiences and constantly seeking opportunities for personal and professional growth.

In conclusion, Umesh Tharuka Malaviarachchi's personal life is a testament to his vibrant personality and zest for life. From his adventurous spirit to his love for music, literature, and philanthropy, Malaviarachchi's personal pursuits reflect his multifaceted nature and unwavering commitment to making a positive impact in the world. As he continues to leave his mark in the technology and digital media industries, he also embraces a well-rounded personal life that enriches his journey and inspires those around him.


Hobby: 01. Love Tv serious 02. Love Programming 03. Love Game







External links


