The Dimensional Brick Incident of Universe 130B8

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The Dimensional Brick Incident of Universe 130B8 (also known as ⱶʗƿʏɰʏǝʗ138B8ƣʋʗ̇ǝŋɒʏ̇ʒɠʒʌʒʋʒɰʒʋſ) was an incident involving the collision of coloured bricks in Universe 130B8, having only a sole survivor.

Survivor Recount

"I carried colour bricks for a living. Red bricks, specifically. You got to see all kinds of colour bricks in this job; red bricks, blue bricks, black bricks, white bricks, and so many other colours that you wouldn't believe. No matter the colour, however, there was always one rule that was never to be broken: don't let different coloured bricks come into contact. Ever. One day, I was carrying just one red brick, when a white brick carrying apprentice seems to be struggling and asks if I could carry one of their bricks. Abiding by the rule, I politely declined, but they insisted. I kept adamant for as long as I could, but they eventually just walked over and put a white brick in my red brick pack. That's when things started to go south, and fast at that. The bricks colliding tore a hole in the fabric of reality, absorbing the rest of the white bricks and sharply increasing its size, taking the apprentice along with it. I think I saw them get violently turned inside out, with their guts in their face and vice versa. A colleague of mine came over to investigate, but was rapidly torn to shreds by the hole as well. One by one, my workmates were dismembered in horrific ways, and I vividly remember one of them, who carried purple bricks, screaming for help while simultaneously coughing up their own liver. Eventually, that reality was completely gone, and I had to pack up and move to this reality, where I decided to retire and take up fishing as a hobby. But I will never forget what happened on that day. That godforsaken day." - Joe Biden (U-130B8)