Karl Swanepoel

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Karl Swanepoel
Born 07 July, 1999
Pretoria, South Africa
Residence Wales, United Kingdom
Nationality British, South African, German
Education Aberystwyth University
Occupation CEO and Founder at Revolancer revolancer.com
Height (6 ft 2 in)"


Karl Swanepoel is an award-winning entrepreneur, founder of Revolancer, and an influential figure in the freelancing industry.

As a frequent media commentator, Karl Swanepoel has been featured in news publications such as Business Insider and BusinessLive. He regularly shares his knowledge on various podcasts, engaging in discussions on topics such as the future of work, fundraising, and leadership.

He has also been directly involved in the European Parliament’s roundtable on Modernising Europe’s Workforce Well-Being Strategy. BestStartup recognised Karl as one of the top CEOs in the freelancing space.


Father : Konrad Swanepoel

Mother : Annie Swanepoel

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