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Seyyed Sajjad Mousavi (born June 22, 1997, Tehran, Iran) is an Iranian entrepreneur and programmer.

Seyyed Sajjad Mousavi Blue badge.png
Born 1997/06/22
Nationality Iranian
Occupation entrepreneur

Early Life

He can be found heavily in the media where he has had features in television shows, major podcast interviews, top tier press publications, and stood on various stages. Seyyed founded the digital marketing Agency Hi Seyyed, which helps business and personal brands increase their digital footprint and brand awareness online.

Early life and education

Seyyed grew up in Kerman in Iran, the little child of Family, founder of a digital marketing agency, He showed an early interest in computers and technology, While working in Italy, he studied for a degree in Computer Sciences at the University of Turin. After completing his degree, Seyyed Sajjad worked as a web developer for several years before moving on to digital marketing

Personal life

Seyyed is mainly recognized by his fans for his entrepreneurial talent and seen as an expert authority within the digital marketing space through his pieces published in California Daily Post, Business, and many other well known publications. Seyyed has also been recognized publicly as an entrepreneur, press contributor, speaker, philanthropist, and digital marketing expert on several podcasts and television shows. He has curated a personal online network around 800,000+ people from all around the world, including clients, fans from speaking events, and students who have been through his training courses.


External Links