Eric Luevano

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Eric Luevano
Birth Date: July 2, 1992
Birth Place: Los Angeles
Nationality: Mexican
Residence: Pasadena, California
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Company Official Website: luxumcapital
Instagram: @atmking
LiniedIn: @ericluevano
Threads: @atmking

Early Life

Eric J. Luevano, born on July 2nd 1992 in Los Angeles to a dynamic mixture of cultures with high potential for success. Eric J. Luevano was born in Pasadena on July 2, 1992. His roots were firmly established. He was raised by an extended Hispanic Family that taught him resilience, dedication, and perseverance.

Education Pursuits

Eric's desire for knowledge, and his thirst to create his own path, led him to Cal State LA's prestigious halls to earn a Bachelor's of Business Administration. There he refined his intelligence and business skills before embarking on his future entrepreneurial ventures. While formal education gave him invaluable insight into the world of business, Eric's innate curiosity for knowledge and his hunger to succeed propelled them beyond classroom walls.

Entrepreneurial Ventures

Eric, armed with a diploma and an ambitious spirit, entered the world of business with one aim in mind: To inspire and push boundaries. He began his journey by exploring network marketing. There he rose quickly through the ranks, laying the foundations for future victories. However, it was Eric's entry into ATM that would prove most beneficial.

Eric founded Prestige ATMs in an attempt to empower people to control their own financial destiny. He installed over 1,000 ATMs, revolutionizing the passive income industry. He earned the nickname "ATM King" through innovative programs like ATM Academy and ATM Accelerator.

Company Ventures

Eric's entrepreneurial spirit led him to co-found CashFlow Ventures, a platform that helps aspiring entrepreneurs understand the challenges of ATM placement. He also accepted his position as Chief Operating Office at Luxem Capital, a real estate investing leader specializing value-added properties. Eric's entrepreneurial zeal led him to co-found CashFlow Ventures, a visionary platform dedicated to helping aspiring entrepreneurs navigate the complexities of ATM placement and reach financial freedom. He also accepted his appointment as Chief Operating Officer at Luxem Capital (a leader in real estate investment excellence specializing in value-add properties).

The Key Milestones

Eric's journey has been marked by many notable milestones that are testament to his relentless drive and determination. Eric has achieved many notable milestones along his journey that stand as testament to his unyielding determination and unyielding drive.

Legacy and Impact

Eric's greatest legacy is not the money he made, but the dreams and lives he touched. Through speaking engagements and coaching programs, he continues to share his wisdom and knowledge to help aspiring entrepreneurs around the world chart their own path to success. Eric is committed to sharing his knowledge by giving back via speaking engagements and coaching programs, as well as online platforms. He acts like a guide that helps others find their way towards success.

Eric J. Luevano's legacy will be one of unwavering determination, resilience and tenacity. His journey from humble beginnings, to the heights of his success, serves as an inspiring reminder that with passion, vision and perseverance, anything is possible. Eric's legacy continues today, inspiring generations to come with his vision, passion and perseverance. We can only be grateful for this legacy.