Baashe Delta

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Baashe Delts

Picture of Baashe Delta
Born 10 May 2002
Nationality German
Occupation Singer.
Known for musician singer-song Writer.
Notable works musician.

Baashe Delta (born 10 May 2002) is a Somali-German Musical Artist, singer-songwriter and Composer who was born in Somalia on May 10th 2002. He is One of the most talented musicians in Germany & also a famous personality..

He started his Journey since 2019. He started his music career with RnB and pop music , He has performed in various places in Germany like Berlin, Munich , Stuttgart and Frankfurt.

His professional music journey began in the year 2019 with his debut release dubbed “Najma” His impressive catalog boasts of numerous single and video releases and his moment of fame came with the viral release of his tune “LACALA” which was received to deserved acclaim with fanatics online queuing up to release their various “LACALA” challenges on the viral TikTok media app and pushing the song to global recognition ! This even saw the release of the music video which has been making huge numbers on the digital platforms and YouTube!

External links