Micronauts Protectors of Inner Space

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Micronauts Protectors of Inner Space is a series of comic book cover art pieces inspired by the Micronauts toy line. It was created by Brian Vox in 2018.

Micronauts Protectors of Inner Space


The story of Micronauts Protector of Inner Space centers around several characters based on Micronauts and repurposed Microman toys.

Heroes include: Angel Commander, Chrono Defender, Galactic Commander, Galactic Defender, Galactic Warriors, Pharoid and Space Glider.

Foes include: Acrovena, Acroyears, Antrons, Baron Karza and Repto and a an unnamed giant snake.

Vehicles depicted include: Battle Cruiser.


The plot focuses on several Micronauts who oppose the invasion of Baron Karza and his Acroyear forces and wish to recover Force Commander. During their adventures the Micronauts come into conflict with creatures from Earth as well as several aliens.

Cover gallery

Issue 7 Issue 8 Issue 11 Issue 14 Issue 23

Biography gallery


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