Dr. Soumya Sinha

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Dr. Soumya Sinha Ponishare-verified.png
Dr. Soumya Sinha
Native name Soumya
Residence Gurgaon, Haryana
Nationality Indian
Other names Reiki Grand Master Soumya Sinha
Occupation Spiritual and Energy Healing
Height 155 cm
Weight 65kg
Religion Hinduism
  • Late Rajni Sinha
  • Prof. Ashok Sinha

Most Promising Spiritual Healer From Gurgaon Asia Iconic Award 2023 Top 100 Women's award Most iconic Spiritual Healer of 2023 Certified Pranic , NLP, Inner Child, Ancestral and PLR healer

Certified Reiki Grand Master

Early Life:

Dr. Soumya Sinha, a native of Patna, Bihar (1987), later moved to Delhi NCR with her family in the late '90s. From a tender age, she displayed intuitive and empathetic traits, feeling a strong urge to help and heal others. Introduced to meditation by her grandfather at five, she developed a deep connection with higher energies and a profound sensitivity to the suffering of those around her. Encouraged by her family, especially her mother, she embarked on a spiritual journey, realizing her innate healing abilities.

Experiencing personal grief at sixteen with the loss of her mother, Dr. Soumya's sensitivity to the energies of the universe deepened. She perceived her mother's presence beyond the physical realm, strengthening her resolve to dedicate herself to healing others. Overcoming her own medical challenges through meditation and spirituality reinforced her calling to pursue spiritual healing.

Education and Career:

Dr. Soumya's academic journey reflects a diverse blend of business administration, mass communication, and specialized training in aura reading. With a Ph.D. in Aura Reading and certifications in energy healing modalities like Reiki, NLP, and Pranic Healing, she possesses a unique skill set for holistic healing. Currently, she is further enriching her knowledge by pursuing a master's in clinical psychology, aiming to integrate traditional therapeutic approaches with her spiritual insights. Driven by a minimalist lifestyle, she channels the energies of the universe to cultivate positivity and facilitate profound transformations in the lives of her clients. Biography: Dr. Soumya Sinha's holistic approach to healing extends beyond the physical realm, encompassing the intricate interplay of mind, body, and spirit. Guided by her innate intuitive instincts and devotion to spiritual practices, she facilitates profound transformations in her clients' lives. Through modalities such as Aura Reading, Reiki, Pranic Healing, and Tarot Reading, she empowers individuals to overcome core issues and energy blocks hindering their fulfillment.With a global clientele, Dr. Soumya offers distance healing sessions, bridging the gap between physical distance and energetic connection. Her dedication to her craft and her commitment to promoting well-being have earned her widespread recognition and prestigious awards in the field of holistic healing. As she continues on her journey, Dr. Soumya remains a beacon of compassion, care, and wisdom, guiding others towards a path of self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth.


Dr. Soumya Sinha's presence commands attention, with an aura of serenity and confidence radiating from her tall, graceful frame. Her poised posture and gentle yet assured movements reflect her deep connection to spiritual wellness. With a warm smile and compassionate eyes, she engages with others, exuding empathy and understanding. Dr. Sinha's physical appearance complements her role as a beacon of light in the world of healing, embodying the harmony between mind, body, and spirit. Dr. Soumya Sinha has garnered extensive media coverage for her expertise in healing modalities, serving as a beacon of light in the world of spirituality and wellness. With features in publications such as Stronic Media, Dailyhunt, The Indian Publisher, The Influencers of India, Business Up2Date, and more, her inspirational journey into aura healing continues to captivate audiences worldwide. Through her wisdom and dedication, Dr. Sinha offers a path to fulfillment and meaning for those seeking spiritual wellness.
