Abdul Kayium

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Abdul Kayium Ponishare-verified.png
Picture of Abdul Kayium
Abdul Kayium as a Google Certified Expert in Google (Ads, Analytics, GTM)
Native name আবদুল কাইয়ুম
Born April 18, 2005
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Nationality Bangladeshi
Occupation Digital Marketer [1]
Height 6ft


Abdul Kayium is a Google-certified professional digital marketer with expertise in Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Facebook Ads. With a profound understanding of digital marketing strategies and advanced tools, Kayium has demonstrated proficiency in crafting and executing successful campaigns across various platforms.


Abdul Kayium commenced his educational journey in his hometown. Following his graduation from Secondary School, he enrolled at Senbag Govt College, achieving his SSC certification in 2020.

Early Life

Abdul Kayium was born on April 18, 2005, in Noakhali, Bangladesh. Growing up in Noakhali, he displayed an early interest in technology and digital media. His curiosity led him to explore the world of digital marketing at a young age, setting the foundation for his future career path. Despite the challenges of a modest upbringing, Abdul's determination and passion for learning propelled him forward, laying the groundwork for his success in the field of digital marketing.


Kayium, a Google-certified digital marketing expert, embarked on his professional journey by mastering Google Ads, Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager. He orchestrated successful advertising campaigns on Google and Facebook platforms, leveraging his expertise in campaign management and Google Tag Manager for streamlined execution. Specializing in Facebook Pixel Conversion API implementation, Kayium ensured seamless data synchronization for enhanced campaign performance. His mastery of Google Analytics 4 (GA4) facilitated data-driven insights and strategy optimization.

Transitioning as a Web Analyst, Kayium continued to drive business growth through data-driven strategies. His proficiency in Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Facebook Ads enabled him to optimize campaigns and deliver tangible results for clients. With expertise in server-side tracking solutions and GA4 reporting, Kayium provided comprehensive analytics for informed decision-making. Committed to continuous learning, Kayium's passion for digital marketing has established him as a trusted expert, driving impactful campaigns for dynamic organizations.


  • Google Ads Mastery (Search, Display, YouTube, Performance Max, Call Ads)
  • Google Tag Manager Fundamentals
  • Advanced Google Analytics
  • Google Ads Display, Search, and Video Certifications
  • Facebook Mastery, Conversion API, Sales Funnel, and Shopify Certifications

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Services Offered by Kayium

Kayium offers a comprehensive range of digital marketing services aimed at driving business growth and maximizing online presence. Specializing in Google Ads, Google Analytics, and Facebook Ads, Kayium leverages his expertise to craft tailored strategies that resonate with clients' specific objectives.

Key services offered by Kayium include:

  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Kayium is dedicated to optimizing conversion rates across digital channels, ensuring that every campaign is designed to turn prospects into loyal customers.
  • Data-driven Decision Making: Leveraging advanced tracking technologies like Google Tag Manager and Facebook Pixel, Kayium ensures accurate tracking, seamless reporting, and data-driven decision-making for clients' marketing efforts.
  • Strategic Consulting: Kayium provides strategic consulting services to help clients identify growth opportunities, refine their digital marketing strategies, and achieve their business objectives.
  • Google Ads Management: Kayium excels in planning, executing, and optimizing Google Ads campaigns to maximize ROI and drive targeted traffic to clients' websites.
  • Google Analytics Implementation and Analysis: With proficiency in Google Analytics, Kayium helps clients gain valuable insights into website performance, user behavior, and campaign effectiveness, enabling informed decision-making and strategy refinement.
  • Facebook Ads Strategy and Execution: Kayium crafts compelling Facebook Ads campaigns tailored to reach the right audience at the right time, driving engagement, conversions, and brand awareness.

With a focus on collaboration, transparency, and measurable results, Kayium is committed to helping clients succeed in the competitive digital landscape.

External Links


  • https://kayium.bio.link/