Fagbile Olalekan

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{{Infobox person

| name = Fagbile Olalekan


| image = Fagbile.png | native_name = Fagbile | native_name_lang = Yoruba

| birth_name = Olalekan

| birth_date = 1989

| birth_place = Ife odan

| nationality = Nigeria

| education = bhs iree

| occupation = musician, Poultry farmer and photographer | religion = christian

Early Life Mr. Fagbile olalekan was born into the family of Mr. and Mrs. Fagbile Michael and Adenike in Ife Odan. As the first child in the family, he grew up with a sense of responsibility and leadership. His upbringing in Ife Odan likely instilled in him strong family values and a connection to his roots. Completing his secondary education at BHS Secondary School in Iree in 1986, Mr. Fagbile Olamilekan's early academic journey laid the foundation for his future endeavors. Furthering his education at Iree Polytechnic, he continued to pursue knowledge and personal growth, preparing himself for a diverse and fulfilling career ahead. Career After his education, Mr. Fagbile Olamilekan ventured into various fields, showcasing his versatility and passion for different pursuits. As a farmer, he likely engages in agricultural activities, demonstrating a hands-on approach to cultivating the land and providing for his family. His interest in photography reflects a creative side, capturing moments and scenes through the lens of a camera. This artistic outlet allows him to express himself visually and share his unique perspective with others. Additionally, Mr. Fagbile Olamilekan's musical talents highlight his creativity and love for music. Whether as a hobby or a professional pursuit, his involvement in music adds another dimension to his identity, showcasing his ability to connect with others through the universal language of music. Overall, Mr. Fagbile Olamilekan's early life and career paint a picture of a multifaceted individual who combines his agricultural roots, creative pursuits, and musical talents to create a rich tapestry of experiences and contributions to his family and community.