My Meebas

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My Meebas are an electronic toy made by Mattel, designed for girls. The object of the games is to "grow" a small My Meeba inside a tube by playing with it. By playing games, giving it baths and "feeding" it, it will grow. Over time, it eventually grows into an adult, therefore becoming so large for its tube, it can come out. At this stage, it is no longer an electronic toy, but a stuffed animal like toy, which can be latched onto whatever the owner chooses. Still can the owner play the games from the electronic device but it will not grow anymore unless it is reset.

Types of My Meebas

There are six types of My Meebas: Intelligence (purple), Love (hot pink), Friendship (dark blue), Happiness (light blue), Luck (green), and Beauty (light pink)which can come in sparkly tubes colors too.

The difference between the types are 20+ unique games available in each tube and designs (colors, shape, sometimes texture) of the fully grown My Meeba inside.

Each tube contains a My Meeba, but their colors and styles depend on the type of tube(see game tube types in the above paragraph). Each type has two different shape of a My Meeba, but those My Meebas are varied in style, such as having fur or being multicolored.

However, a recurring similarity of the My Meebas throughout all tubes is the mouth style, which are either closed, tongue out, tooth out, or mouth open with one tooth on the roof of the mouth and many on the bottom.

These are a now discontinued toy making them very rare. The newest of the colored tubes are the (green) luck tube and the (light pink) beauty tube. Some of the older styles (dark blue friendship tubes and hot pink love tubes)are now only sold from the direct sellers, brand-new, and low in stock for up to 60+ dollars. Thus, being no longer mass-produced getting My Meebas now from would be a smart choice if you want one.


My Meebas were designed by Jeffrey Levine during his employment at Mattel. The developer sprite sheets for the My Meeba UI can be viewed on his website.

External links

  • [1] The defunct My Meebas Official Site, located on which now redirect's to the Barbie homepage.
  • [2] Jeffrey Levine's website, with a page featuring the My Meebas product as well as the original UI and sprite sheets.


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