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Tohidur Hasan, a talented individual from Rajshahi, Bangladesh, was born on July 20th, 1999. From a young age, Tohidur exhibited a passion for learning and creativity, setting the stage for an inspiring journey filled with accomplishments.

Early Life

Tohidur Hasan's early life commenced on July 20th, 1999, in Rajshahi, Bangladesh. He embarked on a journey of education and personal growth, beginning his academic pursuits at Rajshahi Suger Mill High School, where he completed his primary education. However, he later returned to RM Academy school and college, Pabna to complete his Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and successfully obtained the qualification. Tohidur's quest for knowledge and academic excellence led him to pursue his higher education at Govt. Shaheed Bulbul College, Pabna Bangladesh. With determination and hard work, he completed his Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) from this esteemed institution, further enhancing his educational foundation. Throughout his early life, Tohidur demonstrated a commitment to learning, adapting to new environments, and embracing educational opportunities. These formative years provided him with a solid educational background and laid the groundwork for his future academic and personal accomplishments.


Tohidur Hasan is currently engaged in pursuing a formal occupation as a student in the field of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Varendra University (VU). As a diligent and dedicated individual, Tohidur's primary focus is on acquiring comprehensive knowledge and skills in areas such as coding, programming, and other aspects pertinent to the domain of computer science. Within the academic realm, Tohidur demonstrates an unwavering commitment to his studies, diligently immersing himself in the rigorous curriculum and actively participating in coursework related to software development, algorithms, and emerging technological advancements. By engaging in collaborative endeavors with fellow students and undertaking practical projects, Tohidur strives to augment his practical experience and foster a well-rounded understanding of the field. As a CSE student, Tohidur's principal occupation encompasses the pursuit of academic excellence, the assimilation of contemporary concepts, and the cultivation of critical problem-solving abilities. With an earnest enthusiasm and a strong drive for personal growth, Tohidur ardently prepares for a future career where he can leverage his comprehensive knowledge and skills to contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of computer science and engineering.

Interests and Hobbies

Tohidur Hasan has diverse formal interests and hobbies, including programming, tourism, and photography. These activities allow him to express his creativity, engage intellectually, and foster personal growth.