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"Your cowardice is what ruined this world. You've taken our ultimate weapon and now you're trying to destroy us all with it. That will never happen."

MS 219 FUMINA is an American science fiction drama thriller fanfiction based on the Gundam franchise that was released on Wattpad in July 25, 2019. It was created by me, Tomicamaker1234. The plot follows an angst-ridden 15 year-old girl named Marina Lopez, who defends herself from Clarissa Adams, her longtime tormentor, using a mobile suit called the Fumina. The plot and overall tone was inspired by Mobile Suit Gundam Wing(known in Japan as New Mobile Report Gundam Wing), ', 0083: Stardust Memory and particularly , Zeta Gundam, with the Fumina's upgraded form and the story's dark nature.


MS 219 FUMINA, set in an American space colony known as the Orphelix, begins in Boston New High School, with Melissa Newmann, a young teenager, fleeing from another girl, Nadine Smith, who seems to take great pleasure in tormenting her. During her escape, Melissa then discovers a prototype mobile weapon, the Fumina. Nadine, piloting another mobile suit, the Gyanko, attacks Melissa, who, using the Fumina, manages to repel her with some difficulty. After the ordeal, Marina is encountered by her homeroom teacher, Gaberen Karian.