MB-001 Maschinen

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The MB-001 Maschinen is the mobile suit piloted by Emily Nguyen in The Suffering Edge. A machine designed as a tool of war, the Maschinen does not play any significant role in the story, unlike the Lohengrin.


The Maschinen was created in the colony of America after World War II. Equipped with a powerful weapon known as the "Moonlight Butterfly", the suit was never put to use for unknown reason.

Years later, the mobile suit would be discovered by a young Vietnamese-American girl named Emily Nguyen, who became its pilot.

Technology and Combat Characteristics

The Maschinen is only equipped with three weapons, the "beam magnums" installed in its manipulator units, and the Moonlight Butterfly weapon.


Please visit the article After Torment:Sterne Nächte.