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locize logo
Initial release February 2016 [1]
Operating system Cross-platform
Type Translation management and software localization
Website locize.com

locize is a software as a service localization platform[2] designed to help developers and businesses manage the translation and localization of their software applications. The secure[3] platform simplifies the process of adapting software interfaces, websites, and other digital content into multiple languages and cultural contexts. It offers continuous localization.[4][5][6] The translations are managed in locize and published from there to the CDN to be consumed from an application or website.[7][8]


The creators of i18next, one of the most widely used[9] i18n frameworks for JavaScript projects, have dared to try the step to a localization as a service platform.[10] Out of that response they learnt providing instrumentation for doing proper internationalization is not enough.[11] That's why the same creators founded locize in 2016.

Since then, more and more people started to understand how well locize fits into i18next.[12][13][14]

But locize is not exclusively tied to i18next - other projects that use other i18n frameworks also use it successfully.[15][16]

Nowadays locize is a mature platform which also integrates professional translation service providers, like TextMaster[17], BLEND and Supertext[18][19] and is also technology partner of notable organizations, like the humanitarian organization Swiss Red Cross[20].


  1. "day zero - how all began" (in en). 26 February 2016. https://locize.com/blog/day-zero/. 
  2. "Top-9 Localization Platforms" (in en). https://improvado.io/blog/top-9-localization-platforms. 
  3. "Yubico" (in en). https://www.yubico.com/works-with-yubikey/catalog/locize/. 
  4. "Capterra" (in en). https://www.capterra.com/p/180753/Locize/. 
  5. "G2" (in en). https://www.g2.com/products/locize/reviews. 
  6. "Mehrsprachige Websites und Apps: Supertext-Übersetzungen neu direkt in Locize integriert" (in de). https://blog.supertext.ch/2023/09/mehrsprachige-websites-und-apps-supertext-uebersetzungen-neu-direkt-in-locize-integriert/. 
  7. "Figma Community" (in en). https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1049710666643539175/locize. 
  8. "Orange Translations offers translations in Locize" (in en). https://www.orangetranslations.com/orange-translations-offers-translations-in-locize/. 
  9. "i18next vs intl-messageformat vs react-i18next vs react-intl | npm trends" (in en). https://npmtrends.com/i18next-vs-intl-messageformat-vs-react-i18next-vs-react-intl. 
  10. "Locize Review 2023: Reliable Website Translation Solution?" (in en). https://www.bloggersideas.com/locize-review/. 
  11. "The history of i18next" (in en). https://www.i18next.com/misc/the-history-of-i18next#internationalization-i18n-is-not-enough. 
  12. "How we translated the Avocode website written in Next.js with the i18next package" (in en). https://blog.avocode.com/how-we-translated-the-avocode-website-written-in-next-js-with-the-i18next-package-2-2-9239ddd730f0. 
  13. "How I Built a Social Network in 4 Years as a Solo Developer" (in en). https://betterprogramming.pub/how-i-built-a-social-network-in-4-years-as-a-solo-developer-4af70fb2d4c8. 
  14. "i18n - Next Right Now" (in en). https://unlyed.github.io/next-right-now/guides/i18n/. 
  15. "Localization as a Service using Locize" (in en). https://www.hypertrends.com/2017/11/localization-using-locize. 
  16. "ReactIntl + Namespaces" (in en). https://itnext.io/reactintl-namespaces-2ba85d59133f. 
  17. "Translation in Locize - TextMaster" (in en). https://www.textmaster.com/plugins/translation-localization-locize/. 
  18. "locize: Additional services provided" (in en). https://locize.com/services.html#translationservices. 
  19. "Uniting Swiss Excellence: Locize and Supertext Join Forces for Seamless Software Localization" (in en). https://locize.com/blog/supertext-partnership/. 
  20. "Swiss Red Cross: Help for people in need" (in en). https://www.redcross.ch.