Ahtisham Muhammad Rafiq (SCAMMER)

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Ahtisham Muhammad Rafiq Verified.png
Picture of Ahtisham Muhammad Rafiq
Native name Ahtisham Rafiq
Born 3740524645469
Nationality PAKISTAN
Occupation SCAMMER.
Height 5'5"

In the digital age, the world has become a global marketplace for buying and selling, making it easier for individuals to connect and exchange goods and services. However, with this convenience comes the risk of encountering unscrupulous individuals who seek to exploit others for personal gain. In a distressing turn of events, one individual, Ahtisham Rafiq, has recently come under scrutiny for allegedly scamming multiple victims out of their hard-earned money, totaling over $1,500.

A Deceptive Web Unveiled

The story begins with two unfortunate victims who had the misfortune of dealing with Ahtisham Rafiq on the online platform SWAPD. After realizing they had been scammed, these victims collaborated with SWAPD staff to investigate the situation further. To their dismay, they discovered that they were not the only ones who had fallen prey to Rafiq's deceitful tactics.

Ahtisham Rafiq's Activities

Ahtisham Rafiq, also known as Ahtisham Muhammad Rafiq, is alleged to be the mastermind behind these scams. His activities have raised concerns among online communities, prompting the need for awareness about this individual.


Airport Housing Society, Sector 3, Street 19, House No. 410/1 Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Bank IBAN Number:


IP Address:

Phone Number: +923145258132

Identity Number: 37405-2464546-9 (3740524645469)

A Cautionary Tale

Ahtisham Rafiq's alleged actions serve as a stark reminder of the importance of online vigilance. Scammers like him can strike when you least expect it, leaving victims with significant financial losses and emotional distress. To protect yourself and others from falling into similar traps, consider the following precautions:

Verify Identities: Always verify the identity and reputation of individuals you engage with online, especially when conducting financial transactions.

Use Trusted Platforms: Use reputable online marketplaces and platforms that have systems in place to protect buyers and sellers from scams.

Secure Payment Methods: Utilize secure and traceable payment methods, such as PayPal or credit cards, when making online transactions.

Research and Due Diligence: Conduct thorough research before entering into any financial dealings. Look for reviews, ask for references, and seek advice from trusted sources.

Report Suspected Scammers: If you encounter someone engaging in fraudulent activities, report them to the relevant authorities or platform administrators to prevent further victimization.


Ahtisham Rafiq's alleged scamming activities have left a trail of victims in their wake, with significant financial losses and emotional turmoil. While the online world provides opportunities for legitimate transactions and connections, it is essential to remain vigilant and cautious when dealing with unfamiliar individuals. By sharing stories like this and adhering to best practices for online safety, we can work together to protect ourselves and others from falling victim to scams. Remember, awareness is the first line of defense against scammers like Ahtisham Rafiq.