Deleted:Crunch (games)

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The below content is licensed according to Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License contrary to the public domain logo at the foot of the page. It originally appeared on The original article might still be accessible here. You may be able to find a list of the article's previous contributors on the talk page.

This page was listed for deletion discussion per Wikipedia's deletion policy, but it may not meet deletion criteria on WikiAlpha and as such has been preserved here; it may have the potential to be moved to article space. Check to see if the article meets the criteria for publishing on WikiAlpha.

In gaming, a crunch comprises the mathematical and statistical properties of choices given a ruleset. The term is common in role-playing games, as players typically create their own characters (given a broad set of character creation rules). It is often contrasted with the "fluff" of a game which is the setting and ambiance.

Some players enjoy powergaming (especially in video game RPGs), often framing their character creation process as a step toward "winning" the game. This results in minmaxing, typically using the most extreme values allowed by the rule set (i.e., the boundary conditions). As rule sets are generally imprecisely written, some players view this behavior as exploiting rules loopholes.


See also