Sri Maa Sidh Sidhshakti Ji

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Sri Maa Sidh Sidhshakti Ji Ponishare-verified.png
Education Administration

Sri Maa Sidh Sidhshakti Ji is a globally renowned spiritual scientist, revered humanitarian, honored meditation expert and the founder of the Institute of Spiritual Sciences (I.O.S.S.) and Secrets of Ultimate Living (S.O.U.L.). She is widely recognized for her selfless dedication to the welfare of all needy sections of society, her prolific contributions to spiritual science, and her exceptional achievements in public service. First time ever in history, she has created a wide range of meditations and courses which cater to almost every problem of life. The person does not require intense focus or concentration while doing her meditation(s). Moreover, they are short, and can be done anytime, anywhere, by everyone without any restrictions, while sitting in a comfortable posture.

Early Life and Philanthropy

Born in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India, Sri Maa exhibited a compassionate and generous nature right from her childhood. She was deeply moved by the suffering of others and was determined to alleviate it in whatever way she could. This innate sense of empathy and compassion guided her throughout her life's journey and eventually to establish Institute of Spiritual Sciences in 1998 for welfare of masses.

Public Welfare and Contributions

Sri Maa's journey into spirituality and humanitarianism began with the establishment of the Institute of Spiritual Sciences in 1998. Through this institution, she developed over 400 meditations, 26 courses, and authored over 30 books, all aimed at empowering individuals to live a happy, healthy, peaceful and well balanced life. One can also receive Mantras from Sri Maa through a different initiation process which makes them work very fast and effectively.

Her teachings are based on inner science, spiritual science, and modern science, providing practical solutions for people of all backgrounds, religions, caste, occupation or age. In addition to her educational endeavors, Sri Maa has conducted over 100,000 programs and sessions for public welfare, reaching individuals in marginalized communities. prisons, jails, impoverished areas, below poverty line areas, slums, villages, towns, cities, orphanages, old age homes, schools and colleges, special needs communities, specially-abled, handicapped, blind, hearing and speech impaired, among many other needy in India and around the world. Her efforts have been instrumental in providing relief and support to countless individuals, transforming lives and inspiring hope in the face of adversity.

Achievements and Recognition

Sri Maa's exemplary contributions to spirituality and public service have earned her numerous accolades and awards, including multiple World Records, Lifetime Achievement Awards and Honorary Doctorates. She has also been honored with many prestigious titles such as Gem of India, Woman of the Millennium, Top Inspiring Change maker, and Vishisht Sewa Samman by Tata Power DDL, recognizing her unparalleled dedication and commitment to social welfare and spiritual advancement. Her public welfare initiatives by Institute of Spiritual Sciences have also been recognized with many awards including International Sewa Ratna Award, Social Transformation Award, Women Empowerment Award among others.

Legacy and Impact

Sri Maa Sidh Sidhshakti Ji's legacy is one of compassion, wisdom, and service. Through her teachings based on Spiritual Sciences and humanitarian efforts, she has touched the lives of millions of people around the world, providing them with positive guidance, support, and inspiration to overcome life's challenges and lead fulfilling lives. Her commitment to creating a 'Stress-Free India' and world continues to inspire others to work towards a more harmonious and compassionate society. Public Welfare Activities and Events Sri Maa has conducted over 100,000 sessions for public welfare, including meditation programs, healing camps, courses and events. Her selfless service has been recognized and certified with multiple world records, highlighting the magnitude of her impact and the depth of her commitment to serving humanity.

Mission of genuine Public Welfare

Despite her numerous accomplishments and accolades, Sri Maa remains humble and dedicated to her mission of genuine public welfare. She continues to devote her time and energy to responding to the needs of others, offering guidance, support, and love to all who seek her wisdom and assistance.

Sri Maa Sidh Sidhshakti Ji's teachings are based on the principles of universal energy (Sidhshakti), making them accessible to all for their definite welfare and progress. Her profound wisdom and compassionate heart have made her a profound medium of light and hope for people of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life.

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