Mitchen Golding

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Mitchen Golding
Native name Mitchen Golding
Born 10 April 2006
Cape Town, South Africa
Residence Republic of South Africa
Nationality South African Citizen


Christian influencer]]
Religion Christianity

== About Mitchen Golding ==<meta name="google-site-verification" content="COuJLsVaVlNGgdjzv11hpZWWTrS5U87z4o_DmWOKRCQ" />

Mitchen Golding, is a South African evangelistic pentecostal preacher and a Christian Social Media Influencer, with a mission to share the gospel to the nations.[1]

Gospel preaching

Mitchen is a multi-talented South African preacher, who shares the gospel of Jesus Christ. He has only one mission, and that is to save souls and to empower them to operate in the power of God.

With a strong presence on platforms like TikTok and YouTube, Golding has captivated audiences with his unique blend of spirituality and entertainment. Born and raised in a Christian household, Golding knew about Jesus Christ at a young age. His eloquence and ability to connect with people through his words quickly earned him a loyal following in his local community. As he honed his skills as a preacher, Golding also began to explore the world of social media, using platforms like TikTok and YouTube to reach a broader audience. Golding's content on TikTok and YouTube covers a wide range of topics, from spiritual teachings to motivational messages

Early life

Mitchen, always desired to become the best version of himself. He thought that he had to fit in, with the world to make it in life. But realized, that he was not called to fit in, but to stand out.

He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior, at the age of 9. But when he became older, he found it difficult to be a young believer of Christ, in a sinful world.

Mitchen experienced a radical transformation, when he experienced the love and power of Almighty God.[2]


Mitchen believes in the Holy Trinity (the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost). He also believes in the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He operates in a deliverance and healing anointing, to set God's people free, and has seen people's lifes touched by God's power.

He also believes that God still heals, delivers and sets-free today.

Mitchen Golding believes that God can radically change someone, no matter what type of sin they are bound to. That Jesus Christ can set the biggest sinner free, no matter what they have done.

Internet preaching

His passion for spreading positivity and hope shines through in his sermons, which often touch on themes of love, forgiveness, and self-improvement. Golding's ability to connect with people on a deep emotional level has earned him a reputation as a trusted mentor and advisor. Overall, Mitchen is a talented individual who has successfully merged his passion for preaching with his love for social media. Through his engaging content and heartfelt messages, Golding has managed to make a positive impact on the lives of many. As he continues to grow his online presence and expand his reach, there is no doubt that Golding will remain a prominent figure in both the spiritual and digital realms.


There has been several people who has been touched and changed by God's power. Someone got healed from high blood pressure. A women got healed in the area of her emotions. And a person could feel their feet, even though being in a critical stage of cancer.

Sharing the gospel

Mitchen has a mission to share the gospel to the nations. He believes that the next generation shall be saved, and that God will raise up young people who will not be ashamed to preach the gospel.That Gen Z would stand up against the lies of the devil, and step into their God-given destiny

You can find more about Mitchen Golding

