Interactive News

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Interactive Newslink title

Established in 2001, Interactive News is one of the world’s famous comprehensive news portal websites. Our website covers a wide range of areas, including game, automobile, fashion, Internet, technology, society, business, education, sports, food, culture, news, finance, hotel, life, entertainment, blockchain and so on. We are committed to providing original news and exclusive reports, so that users can obtain the latest and most complete information.

In order to enhance users’ participation and interaction, Interactive News provides powerful interactive functions. Users can submit news articles to the editor and share their opinions and stories. We believe that this kind of interaction can make the news more lively and interesting, and also give users a deeper understanding of what the event is really like.

For the past many years, Interactive News has attracted millions of readers. We have amassed thousands of followers on social media, with more than 50,000 articles published every month. Behind these figures is our persistent pursuit of journalism and our constant concern on the needs of our users.

As a multilingual news portal website, Interactive News takes English as its main language, supplemented by many other languages. Based on our user groups, we have gradually developed Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Spanish, Malay, French, and other versions. We hope that through these multi-language versions, more users can read our news and learn about the latest developments in the world.

Since its establishment in 2001, Interactive News has always been committed to reporting the breaking news, covering the world’s biggest stories. Interactive News is founded as an independent news cooperative, whose members are newspapers and broadcasters in Europe and the United States. We are steadfast in our mission to inform the world that to this day, Interactive News still remains independent and accountable only to the facts.

In recent years, the news industry has been under severe attack brought by the continuous development of the Internet. In this environment, the team members of Interactive News always adhere to the bottom line of the media industry and the professional ethics of journalists. We resolutely resist the spread of paid news and fake news, and uphold the impartiality and authenticity of news.

In the face of the future challenges, we will continue to innovate and improve. Our goal is to provide faster, more authentic news and information to meet the needs of our users. We believe that only by continuous innovation can we be invincible in the fierce competition. Let’s expect that Interactive News will bring more excellent news and provide better services for users in the future.

We founded

The establishment of Interactive News originated from a sudden whim of an operations tycoon. Guerrero was initially engaged in the operation industry and achieved relatively great success in the industry. However, there was a bottleneck in the industry operation since then. Although the operation mode was correct in the operation process, there were problems in the financial management process, which led to a major crisis in the original industry and eventually bankruptcy. After that, he grasped the dividend of the Internet. At the stage of 2001, he quickly entered the development of the Internet industry at the tips of his friends, and focused on taking the news field as the starting point. In the Internet industry, it has made great efforts. At this stage, it has laid out many fields of the Internet, among which the news website is still one of its most successful business areas. time axis

January 2, 2001: Interactive News was founded

At the beginning of the establishment of Interactive News, the founder did not have a clear plan for the future development direction and underwent several revisions in the initial stage. At the beginning, the website was established only to be able to publish various types of truck operation information at the first time, such as transportation information, enterprise needs and driver needs from Southern California to Carolina. The website is biased towards the operation and management type websites on the Internet in the later stage. However, in the early stages, due to the greater focus of major transportation companies on obtaining various offline information and the ownership of large trust management companies, the website did not achieve good results in the early stages of operation. There was a situation where the number of website visitors was in the single digits, and it was only after the redesign that there was a slight improvement.

2003-2005: Successfully hired resident journalists

Simply reprinting information cannot achieve success, which is also a key issue discovered by its founder. Since then, the website has undergone a brand new redesign, with hiring resident journalists to publish original content as the core dominant form. With the development of website modularization, the content involved has become more and more extensive, and the number of followers has also increased.

2006-2010: Multiple sectors advancing side by side

With the continuous increase in user numbers, Interactive News has begun to expand its columns, covering multiple fields such as gaming, automotive, fashion, technology, society, and business. At this stage, many readers expressed that there were too many sections in the operation of the website, which was overwhelming and important information was overlooked. However, these voices did not shake Guerrero's confidence. He stated that news type websites will be the dominant force in the future. Regional or industry content broadcasting is difficult to develop in the long run, so amidst a large number of opposing voices, he still focuses on developing a portal website for all types of news broadcasting.

2011-2015: Entering the peak period of industry development

At this stage, the website enters a peak period of industry development. After 4 years of development, the website has attracted a certain level of readership. Due to the rich and diverse information in its sections, it has been collected and reprinted by many people, and the number of audience groups has increased exponentially. At this stage, the website has entered the fastest stage of development.

2016-2023: Starting from user needs

Guerrero has a keen gaze far beyond that of ordinary people. Between 2016 and 2023, industry competition has become increasingly fierce, with many large news websites experiencing a significant decline in traffic. This is also the fundamental reason for many websites going bankrupt, and Interactive News did not encounter such a problem. At this stage, Guerrero adjusted its operation direction and avoided many dangerous traps.