Broadcast Daily

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Revision as of 06:57, 10 May 2024 by Broadcast Daily (Talk | contribs) (Established in 2001, Broadcast Daily is a comprehensive news media portal website in the North American areas, whose mission is to become the world’s most influential multilingual news platform. We are well aware of the fact that delivering news informa)

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Broadcast Dailylink title Established in 2001, Broadcast Daily is a comprehensive news media portal website in the North American areas, whose mission is to become the world’s most influential multilingual news platform. We are well aware of the fact that delivering news information accurately, quickly and impartially is particularly important in this age of information explosion. For this reason, we are committed to providing our global users with the most authentic and objective news coverage, as well as multi-angle, in-depth analysis and commentary.

Our website has many columns, covering game, automobile, fashion, Internet, technology, society, business, education, sports, food, culture, news, finance, hotel, life, entertainment, blockchain, and other fields. These columns not only enrich the contents of the website, but also meet the needs of different user groups. Whether you’re a passionate game player, a fashion-conscious consumer, or an innovator keeping an eye on technological developments, you’ll find something interesting at Broadcast Daily.

As a multilingual news portal website, Broadcast Daily not only takes English as its main language, but also launches many language versions based on user needs, including Russian, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Malay and French. We are committed to eliminating language barriers, so that global users can learn the world’s news information in the first time.

Since the establishment of the website, We have always adhered to the principles of independent, objective and impartial news reporting, and provide real and reliable information to users around the world based on facts. We are well aware of that as a news media, we shoulder the important mission of spreading truth, guiding public opinion and serving society. Therefore, we resist fake news, paid news, adhere to professional ethics, and safeguard the bottom line of the media industry.

With the continuous development of the Internet, the news industry is facing unprecedented challenges. In this time of constant changes, the team of Broadcast Daily always keeps the spirit of innovation and uses advanced technological means to provide users with faster and more convenient news services. From delivering news via the Internet in 2001 to partnering with artificial intelligence today, we have been exploring the future road of news transmission all the time.

Standing on a new historical starting point, Broadcast Daily will continue to uphold the principles of independence, objectivity and impartiality, and devote itself to providing high-quality news services to users around the world. We believe that authentic and professional news reporting is more precious than ever in this information age. Let’s work hand in hand for a better future.

We founded

Broadcast Daily was founded in 2001 by Richard Harris and Emily Walker, both of whom are professionals in the news industry with extensive experience and strong interpersonal relationships in the media industry. They have a deep understanding of how news media in North America can gain popularity among the public. This is also the original intention behind Richard and Emily's decision to co founded Broadcast Daily. In the early days of its establishment, Broadcast Daily faced many challenges such as fierce market competition and limited funds, but they always adhered to their passion and belief in the news industry. Through unremitting efforts and team collaboration, Broadcast Daily has gradually gained recognition and trust from users, becoming one of the highly regarded news portals in North America. Over time, Broadcast Daily has continuously expanded its influence and coverage, adhering to the principles of independence, objectivity, and impartiality in the reporting process. Based on facts, it provides users with true and reliable information, thus gaining the trust of the public.

time axis

2011-2013: Setting Development Direction

Broadcast Daily was founded in 2011, and its founders Richard Harris and Emily Walker set the development direction of the website, with portal news websites as the main focus, bringing the latest information to the public through featured news reporting, which also laid the foundation for the website's long-term development direction.

2014-2016: Launching rich video content

As the number of users increases, Broadcast Daily has begun to expand its columns, covering multiple fields such as gaming, automotive, fashion, technology, society, and business. At the same time, they also noticed that the public's focus is gradually shifting from text content to video content. Therefore, at this stage, the website has adjusted its operational direction and made video content one of the core concerns in its development.

2017-2019: Technological Innovation and User Experience Improvement

During this period, Broadcast Daily focused on technological innovation, not only introducing big data, but also establishing exclusive databases based on its own readership, thereby improving the efficiency and user experience of news reporting. In order to gain greater market space, Broadcast Daily conducted regular market research and adjusted its push content accordingly, receiving high praise from the public in terms of targeted services.

2020 to 2023: Sustainable development and cross-border cooperation

Broadcast Daily continues to strengthen its cooperation with other media to explore the future of news communication. At this stage, they conducted an important research collaboration with Asia Daily News, especially in terms of comprehensive and in-depth data reporting during the epidemic, which became a benchmark for this period and received high praise from many users.

In the future, Broadcast Daily will continue to adhere to the principles of independent, objective, and fair news, committed to providing users with faster and more authentic news and information. We will continuously expand our language versions, cover more user groups, and strive to become one of the most popular multilingual news portal websites in the world. In the context of media convergence, Broadcast Daily will actively respond to challenges, maintain its original intention towards news, continuously innovate, and provide high-quality news content to bring richer and more diverse news experiences to global users. With the development of the new media era, Broadcast Daily will continue to adapt to user needs and technological changes, providing users with more comprehensive and authentic news reporting. At the same time, they will continue to strengthen cooperation with other media, jointly promote the progress of news dissemination, and bring users higher quality and more diverse news services.