European News

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Welcome to European News! European Newslink title Here you will find a leading international news portal website dedicated to European affairs. Our mission is to present our readers and followers with comprehensive news on a daily basis, covering game, automobile, fashion, Internet, technology, society, business, education, sports, food, culture, news, finance, hotel, life, entertainment, blockchain and many other fields.

We are dedicated to factual reporting and real-time updates on the latest European affairs. Our multicultural editorial offices across Europe are dedicated to providing a wide variety of news articles, press releases and in-depth reports for our readers. We have reporters all over Europe; they focus on facts, solutions and the latest developments, and strive to bring clear-cut information to their readers.

European News is headquartered in the United Kingdom with a global reach. We have unique European perspectives, but our reports are more diverse. Starting from the UK, we run a global newsroom with hundreds of journalists working around the clock to provide our global audience with the latest and most accurate news from 44 European countries and around the world.

As an independent news organization, we are committed to staying true to the facts while helping small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe to increase their exposure. We provide our readers with a wealth of resources to keep them abreast of the latest developments in business, sports, technology and politics.

Europe is our roots, but we are committed to bringing a global perspective to local audiences to make them have an in-depth understanding of news events. We actively participate in social events and hope to establish a closer relationship with our audience through interaction and dialogue.

European News is a multilingual news portal website with English as its main language, supplemented by many other languages. Since its establishment, the website has been loved by the users all over the world. Based on the needs of users, we have gradually developed many multilingual versions including Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Spanish, Malay, French and so on.

In this day and age of rapid development of the Internet, the team members of the European News are always adhering to the bottom line and professional ethics of the media industry, and resolutely resisting paid news and fake news. Until today, we still remain independent and accountable only to the facts. From delivering news via the Internet in 2014 to partnering with artificial intelligence today, we have been innovating all the time to devote ourselves to providing fast & authentic news and information for our users.

Privacy protection and data security: With the application of big data and artificial intelligence technology, at the time of collecting, processing and analyzing data, the news organizations need to strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations on privacy protection and data security to ensure that personal information is not abused. Cross-culture communication: In the time of globalization, the news organizations need to take into account the needs and reception ways of audiences in different cultural backgrounds, and carry out cross-cultural news communication to avoid cultural conflicts and misunderstandings.

Handling of examination and pressure: In some countries and regions, news organizations may face examination and pressure from governments or other authorities. News organizations need to stick to the freedom and independence of journalism, have the courage to reveal the truth, and resist improper interference.

Promotion of dialogue and communication: News organizations should not only be disseminators of information, but also platforms for dialogue and communication of the public. Communication and understanding are promoted between different sectors of society by means of organizing seminars, workshops and other activities.

Environment and sustainable development: With the increasingly serious global environmental problems, news organizations should strengthen the reports on environmental issues to improve the public awareness of environmental protection, and to promote the sustainable development.

Construction of healthy news ecology: News organizations should actively participate in the construction of healthy news ecology and cooperate with various media, academic institutions, social organizations, etc. to jointly promote the healthy development of journalism.

Handling of network violence: Network violence is a major challenge for journalists today. News organizations need to take measures to protect journalists from network violence and maintain normal news reporting order.

Multicultural inclusiveness: News organizations should establish multicultural inclusiveness, respect the viewpoints and needs of different cultures and groups, and provide diversified news contents.

Continuous innovative spirit: In the face of numerous challenges, news organizations need to maintain a continuous innovative spirit, and constantly try new reporting methods, new products and services to meet the needs of society and the public.

The challenges and opportunities of journalism are intertwined. News organizations need to have a clear sense of values and mission, adhere to journalistic ethics, and also make continuous innovation and development to meet the future challenges. In the meantime, they also need the understanding and support of the whole society to promote the healthy and sustainable development of journalism.

We founded

The European News was officially founded on May 15, 2014, marking the beginning of its commitment to building a leading international news portal for European affairs. The builders are Green, along with a group of like-minded partners who hold the vision of presenting European news and information to global readers, and are determined to create a real and comprehensive news platform, with a highlight of challenging traditional news models. At that time, news reporting was often limited by geography and language, and the establishment of Euronews aimed to break this limitation and provide a platform for global readers to access the latest European news. The founders are convinced that through the power of the Internet, they can let the voice of Europe spread to every corner of the world.

Time axis

May 15, 2014: Founded by Euronews

In 2014, the field of news communication in Europe is undergoing unprecedented changes. The popularity of the Internet has made information communication more convenient, but at the same time, it has also brought the problem of fragmentation and falsification of information. After its online operation, Euronews fundamentally solved this type of problem. Based on the drawbacks of some Internet news websites at that time, Euronews was able to provide accurate, comprehensive and timely news reports, so that users could obtain authentic and credible information. Since then, a series of similar websites have followed the trend of construction, but their influence is far less than Euronews.

2016-2019: Refreshing multilingual version launched

Under the leadership of the founder, the European News team fully invested in website construction and launched multilingual versions such as English, Spanish, Chinese, and Russian in 2016. The most crucial thing is that the website is very refreshing, without advertisements. This measure made Euronews one of the few news portals at that time that only focused on news and had multilingual versions. In order to meet the needs of users in different regions, the multilingual version was launched, and news reporting was conducted in different regions, which was also a key reason for its rapid rise. 2020-2022: Content Enrichment and International Cooperation With the continuous increase in the number of users, Euronews has begun to expand its columns, covering multiple fields such as games, cars, fashion, technology, society, and business. It rarely follows the trend in news reporting, but instead reports content through a unique perspective. It is precisely for this reason that it has attracted a large number of users.

2023-2024: Technological Innovation and User Experience Improvement

Over time, Euronews has continued to grow and become one of the focal points of global attention. It has engaged in a series of collaborations with other media, the most well-known of which is its joint stock market reporting with The New York Times, expanding the depth and breadth of financial news reporting. Although this type of reporting is similar in direction to several other large news organizations, Euronews still has significant advantages in terms of news follow-up speed and quantity, promoting communication and cooperation in the news industry. At the same time, Euronews has always adhered to innovation, constantly adapting to new technological changes and user needs, introducing advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, and improving the efficiency and user experience of news reporting. This innovative spirit has made Euronews stand out in the news industry and become one of the trusted news sources for users.

Although European News, like other news websites, has encountered many problems in its development, such as privacy protection and data security, cross-cultural communication, and online violence. But these challenges have not stopped it from moving forward. Euronews constantly solves problems, explores and innovates, and provides better news services for users.