Sayyed Shakila

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HHPSS.jpeg== Princess Sayyed Shakila of the Royal Sayyed Family of Saudi Arabia ==

Princess Sayyed Shakila is a prominent member of the esteemed Sayyed family, a distinguished royal lineage within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Born on October 10, 1982, in the city of Medina, Saudi Arabia, she is the daughter of King Sayyed Abdul Gafoor and Queen Sayyed Zubeda Fatima, both esteemed figures within the royal Sayyed family. Her father, King Sayyed Abdul Gafoor, is widely recognized as the Khalifa of the royal Sayyed family, overseeing its traditions and responsibilities with honor and dedication.

Education and Training

Princess Sayyed Shakila pursued her academic interests with fervor, obtaining a degree in Biological Sciences and Technology from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. Her education at Cambridge provided her with a strong foundation in the field of life sciences, complemented by a deep understanding of technology and its applications.

Continuing her quest for knowledge, Princess Sayyed Shakila pursued further studies in Neurological Science at Hilla University in Saudi Arabia. Her academic pursuits in neuroscience equipped her with the expertise to understand and address complex neurological disorders, reflecting her commitment to advancing healthcare in her country and beyond.

Additionally, Princess Sayyed Shakila underwent training as an officer in the Saudi Arabian Army Force, demonstrating her dedication to physical fitness and discipline, qualities valued within her royal upbringing.

Personal Life

Princess Sayyed Shakila is married to Salim Ibrahim Zalim, an Indian businessman and the son of the renowned builder Ibrahim Zalim Patel of Mumbai, India. Their marriage signifies a harmonious blend of cultures, fostering mutual respect and understanding between Saudi Arabia and India.

The couple is blessed with three children:

- **Sayyed Sher Ali**: The eldest son, embodying the traditions and values of the royal Sayyed family. - **Sayyed Saba**: The daughter, representing the future of the family with grace and intelligence. - **Sayyed Mohammed Shamsher**: The younger son, beloved for his cheerful demeanor and compassionate nature.

Princess Sayyed Shakila and her family share a close bond rooted in love, respect, and mutual support, embodying the values of duty and honor instilled within the royal Sayyed lineage.

Philanthropic and Cultural Contributions

Princess Sayyed Shakila is deeply committed to serving her community and promoting social welfare. She has been actively involved in philanthropic initiatives, focusing on education, healthcare, and women's empowerment. Her dedication to social causes has earned her widespread admiration and respect both within Saudi Arabia and internationally.

Additionally, Princess Sayyed Shakila is a passionate advocate for the preservation and promotion of Saudi Arabian culture and heritage. She actively supports cultural initiatives and events that showcase the kingdom's rich history, art, and traditions to the world, ensuring their preservation for future generations.


Princess Sayyed Shakila's legacy is one of compassion, leadership, and service. Her exemplary life and tireless dedication to social causes have left an indelible mark on Saudi Arabian society, inspiring others to follow in her footsteps. As a devoted wife, mother, and member of the royal Sayyed family, Princess Sayyed Shakila continues to uphold the values of duty, honor, and compassion, contributing to a brighter future for her country and its people.