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Haltpost[1] is an independent news media website known for its comprehensive coverage of global events, analysis of current affairs, and investigative journalism. Founded in 2024, Haltpost has emerged as a reputable source of information, offering unbiased reporting and in-depth analysis on a wide range of topics including politics, economics, technology, science, culture, and more.[2]


Haltpost was founded by a team of journalists and media professionals with the vision of creating a platform that provides accurate and reliable news coverage to its audience. Since its inception, the website has been committed to upholding the principles of journalistic integrity and transparency.[3]


Haltpost covers a diverse array of topics and issues, catering to a global audience with its comprehensive reporting. The website features news articles, opinion pieces, interviews, and investigative reports, providing readers with a well-rounded perspective on current events.

Editorial Philosophy

At the core of Haltpost's editorial philosophy is a commitment to objectivity, accuracy, and fairness in reporting. The website strives to present information in a clear and unbiased manner, allowing readers to form their own opinions based on factual evidence.


  1. https://haltpost.com/
  2. https://haltpost.com/index.php/2024/04/18/afghanistan-floods-death-toll-climbs-to-70-as-heavy-rain-continues/
  3. https://haltpost.com/index.php/2024/04/18/devastating-rains-inundate-gulf-states-cloud-seeding-role-questioned/