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Gjshop is a cross-platform, open-source, and privacy-focused e-commerce platform. It was developed by Mihigo ER Anaja, a programmer and author known for their work in technology and self-help. GJShop is accessed from https://gjshop.itch.io. Gjshop was created with the goal of providing a secure, user-friendly, and customizable online shopping solution that respects user privacy.


Gjshop is built using modern web technologies such as React, Node.js, and GraphQL. It offers a wide range of features for both buyers and sellers, including product listings, shopping carts, order management, and payment processing. Gjshop is designed to be highly scalable and can handle large volumes of traffic and transactions.

One of the key features of Gjshop is its focus on privacy. The platform does not track or collect user data, and all personal information is stored securely on the user's device. Gjshop also supports anonymous browsing and purchasing, allowing users to make purchases without creating an account or providing any personal information.

Gjshop is released under the MIT license, which allows anyone to use, modify, and distribute the code freely. The platform is actively developed and maintained by Mihigo ER Anaja and a community of contributors.


Gjshop offers a wide range of features for both buyers and sellers, including:

Product listings: Gjshop allows sellers to create product listings with detailed descriptions, images, and pricing information. Shopping carts: Buyers can add products to their shopping cart and check out when they are ready to make a purchase. Order management: Sellers can manage their orders, track shipments, and communicate with buyers. Payment processing: Gjshop supports a variety of payment methods, including credit cards, PayPal, and Bitcoin. Privacy: Gjshop does not track or collect user data, and all personal information is stored securely on the user's device. Customizable: Gjshop is highly customizable, allowing users to modify the code and add their own features. Conclusion Gjshop is a powerful and privacy-focused e-commerce platform that offers a wide range of features for both buyers and sellers. It is actively developed and maintained by Mihigo ER Anaja and a community of contributors, ensuring that the platform remains up-to-date and secure. With its focus on privacy, scalability, and customization, Gjshop is an ideal solution for anyone looking for a secure and user-friendly online shopping platform.


GJShopt website, https://gjshop.itch.io

Mihigo ER Anaja on GitHub

Mihigo ER Anaja on LinkedIn

Mihigo ER Anaja's website, https://mihigoanaja.blogspot.com


Gjshop is a cross-platform, open-source, and privacy-focused e-commerce platform developed by Mihigo ER Anaja. It offers a wide range of features for both buyers, including product listings, shopping carts, order management, and payment processing. Gjshop is actively developed and maintained by Mihigo ER Anaja and a community of contributors. The platform is highly scalable, customizable, and focuses on user privacy.