Mrigendra Bharti Group InfoTech IBMC

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Mrigendra Bharti Group InfoTech IBMC Ponishare-verified.png
Type Private
Industry Technology & entertainment
Founder(s) Mrigendra Bharti & Mrigendra Bharti Group
Headquarters Delhi, Vasant Kunj, India
Website [MBGin][1]

Mrigendra Bharti Group InfoTech IBMC, doing business as Mrigendra Bharti Group Infotech (MBGI) stands as a formidable parental organization, orchestrating a diverse ecosystem of subsidiary companies across multiple industries. At the forefront of entertainment, Croma Music Series Groups captivates audiences with its captivating audio and visual productions. In the realm of marketing, Sellbrochure SVE pioneers groundbreaking strategies to elevate brand presence and engagement. Meanwhile, InkWhirl Media Group harnesses the power of multimedia to craft compelling narratives and drive advertising campaigns to new heights.

In the technology sector, IBMC Pvt Ltd leads the charge with cutting-edge solutions and consultancy services, empowering businesses to thrive in the digital age. Concepta Paper's emerges as a beacon in the publishing industry, delivering unparalleled content and distribution channels to readers worldwide. Additionally, FIG Fauget Innovative Group spearheads innovation across various sectors, pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

Under the guidance of MBGI, these entities synergize their expertise and resources to drive collective success and deliver value to stakeholders. Through strategic leadership and a commitment to excellence, MBGI continues to expand its influence and shape the future of diverse industries on a global scale.


Mrigendra Bharti Group Infotech: Nurturing Diverse Business Ventures

Mrigendra Bharti Group Infotech (MBGI) stands as a prominent parental organization overseeing a spectrum of businesses, each thriving under its capable management. Founded with a vision to innovate and excel across various sectors, MBGI has nurtured a family of enterprises, each contributing uniquely to its overarching mission.

Croma Music Series Groups: At the heart of MBGI's endeavors lies Croma Music Series Groups, a dynamic entity dedicated to the artistry and creativity of music. With a focus on fostering talent and delivering exceptional musical experiences, Croma Music Series Groups enriches the cultural landscape while establishing itself as a beacon of musical excellence.

Sellbrochure SVE: ( Sellbrochure Vymish Entertainment ) In the realm of sales and marketing, Sellbrochure SVE emerges as a frontrunner, leveraging innovative strategies and cutting-edge technology to redefine industry standards. Through its relentless pursuit of customer satisfaction and market dominance, Sellbrochure SVE continues to carve a niche for itself in the competitive business landscape.

InkWhirl Media Group: A testament to the power of storytelling and visual communication, InkWhirl Media Group captivates audiences through its compelling narratives and captivating visuals. With a diverse portfolio spanning digital media, publishing, and visual arts, InkWhirl Media Group remains at the forefront of creative expression and content innovation.

IBMC Pvt Ltd: As a cornerstone of technological advancement, IBMC Pvt Ltd pioneers groundbreaking solutions in the realm of information technology and digital services. With a focus on harnessing the latest advancements in AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity, IBMC Pvt Ltd empowers businesses to thrive in an increasingly digitized world.

Concepta Paper's: Amidst the digital revolution, Concepta Paper's upholds the timeless value of print and paper, offering premium quality products and personalized printing solutions. With a commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship, Concepta Paper's embodies the harmony between tradition and innovation in the modern business landscape.

FIG Fauget Innovative Group: Dedicated to pushing the boundaries of innovation and technological prowess, FIG Fauget Innovative Group drives forward-thinking solutions in sectors ranging from renewable energy to biotechnology. Through its unwavering dedication to research and development, FIG Fauget Innovative Group shapes the future of industry and society alike.

Collectively, these entities under the umbrella of MBGI epitomize the spirit of entrepreneurship, innovation, and excellence. Guided by a shared commitment to integrity, creativity, and customer-centricity, they continue to redefine industry standards, inspire change, and leave a lasting impact on the world stage. As MBGI continues to nurture and expand its portfolio of ventures, it remains steadfast in its pursuit of excellence, driven by a vision of innovation without bounds.


The genesis of Mrigendra Bharti Group Infotech (MBGI) marks the inception of a visionary journey spearheaded by its founder, Mrigendra Bharti. With the dawn of June 29, 2023, Mrigendra Bharti embarked on a quest driven by a profound belief in his entrepreneurial ventures and an unwavering vision for their success.

Drawing from a rich tapestry of entrepreneurial experiences, Mrigendra Bharti's journey began long before the establishment of MBGI. His relentless pursuit of innovation and his penchant for exploring diverse business domains laid the groundwork for what would eventually become a sprawling conglomerate.

At the heart of MBGI lies Mrigendra Bharti's audacious dream: to cultivate an empire where each business venture thrives under a unified vision. This ambition extends far beyond the realm of conventional success; it encompasses a holistic approach to business growth, sustainability, and societal impact.

As MBGI takes root, its headquarters strategically positioned in Delhi and West Bengal serve as bastions of innovation and strategic leadership. These locations not only symbolize MBGI's geographical reach but also underscore Mrigendra Bharti's strategic acumen in navigating diverse market landscapes.

Yet, MBGI is more than just a conglomerate of businesses; it is a testament to Mrigendra Bharti's visionary leadership and his unyielding belief in the power of entrepreneurship to drive positive change. His journey is one of resilience, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to turning dreams into reality.

Through MBGI, Mrigendra Bharti has crafted a legacy that transcends individual success, embodying the spirit of innovation, collaboration, and transformative leadership. As the journey unfolds, MBGI stands as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, a testament to the limitless potential of visionary thinking and determined action.

Brief Info

Mrigendra Bharti Group Infotech (MBGI) is not just a conglomerate; it is a manifestation of Mrigendra Bharti's visionary leadership and entrepreneurial zeal. Since its establishment on June 29, 2023, MBGI has embarked on a transformative journey, carving a niche for itself in the competitive business landscape. At the heart of MBGI's operations lies a deep-rooted commitment to innovation and excellence. With its headquarters strategically located in Delhi and West Bengal, MBGI is poised for regional and global expansion, leveraging diverse market opportunities and forging strategic alliances to fuel its growth trajectory. What sets MBGI apart is its portfolio of subsidiary companies, each specializing in distinct sectors and industries. From Croma Music Series Groups, which fosters musical talent and cultivates cultural enrichment, to IBMC Pvt Ltd, a pioneer in cutting-edge IT solutions and digital services, MBGI's subsidiaries exemplify versatility and expertise.

Moreover, MBGI's commitment to sustainability and social responsibility underscores its holistic approach to business. By integrating environmentally conscious practices and community-focused initiatives into its operations, MBGI strives to create value not only for its shareholders but also for society at large.

As MBGI looks towards the future, its vision extends beyond mere financial success. With a focus on continuous innovation, strategic expansion, and talent development, MBGI is poised to shape the global business landscape and leave a lasting legacy of impact and excellence. Through its unwavering dedication to its core values and relentless pursuit of growth opportunities, MBGI is primed to emerge as a leader in the 21st-century business arena, driving positive change and inspiring generations to come.

Company Aim

Future Plans of Mrigendra Bharti Group Infotech: Pioneering the Path to Global Prominence

Looking ahead, Mrigendra Bharti Group Infotech (MBGI) envisions a trajectory of growth and expansion that will propel it to the forefront of global business leadership. With a firm foundation built on innovation, integrity, and entrepreneurial spirit, MBGI is poised to chart new territories and redefine industry standards in the days to come.

1. Global Expansion: MBGI aims to extend its footprint beyond national borders, establishing a presence in key international markets. By leveraging its diverse portfolio of businesses and harnessing emerging opportunities on a global scale, MBGI seeks to solidify its position as a formidable player in the global business landscape.

2. Diversification and Innovation: As a champion of innovation, MBGI remains committed to diversifying its portfolio and exploring new avenues of growth. Through strategic investments in emerging technologies and industries, MBGI aims to stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on evolving market trends.

3. Sustainable Growth: Sustainability lies at the core of MBGI's future plans, with a focus on responsible business practices and environmental stewardship. By integrating sustainability initiatives into its operations and supply chain, MBGI strives to foster long-term growth while minimizing its ecological footprint.

4. Strategic Partnerships: MBGI recognizes the power of collaboration and seeks to forge strategic partnerships with like-minded organizations and industry leaders. By fostering synergies and pooling resources, MBGI aims to drive collective innovation and create value for its stakeholders.

5. Digital Transformation: Embracing the digital revolution, MBGI is committed to harnessing the power of technology to drive transformative change across its businesses. Through investments in digital infrastructure, data analytics, and artificial intelligence, MBGI aims to enhance operational efficiency, optimize customer experiences, and unlock new growth opportunities.

6. Talent Development: Attracting and retaining top talent is paramount to MBGI's success. By prioritizing employee development, fostering a culture of creativity and collaboration, and investing in learning and development initiatives, MBGI aims to cultivate a workforce that is empowered to drive innovation and deliver excellence.

In essence, MBGI's future trajectory is characterized by a relentless pursuit of excellence, fueled by innovation, sustainability, and strategic foresight. As it continues to evolve and expand its reach, MBGI remains steadfast in its commitment to shaping the future of business and making a positive impact on a global scale.