Andrey Pavlovich Voronin

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Andrey Pavlovich Voronin Ponishare-verified.png
Type People\Nutritionists
Headquarters Moscow, Partizanskaya Street, 35
Services Dietitian, Nutritionist, Fitness Trainer, Writer, Health Coach

Andrey Pavlovich Voronin (born November 27, 1981, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) – nutritionist, dietitian, psychologist, healthy lifestyle coach, nutrition mentor, writer. And this is not a complete list of his specialties, regalia and statuses.

The author of the book “Nutritionists, I Don’t Believe You”, the creator of his own weight loss method, which we will discuss in more detail below. In the past, he had experience as a lawyer, advocate, and specialist in the field of protecting the rights of consumers and car owners. He has appeared and continues to appear on radio and television. He was engaged in legal activities and founded the companies “Advoka-T” and “Auto Pravo”.


Born on November 27, 1981 into an intelligent, full-fledged family. Mother graduated from the history department of Moscow State University and was engaged in business management in the furniture industry. My father studied at the Moscow Aviation Institute, then worked as an engineer and headed an expert design bureau.

In 1988, Andrei was enrolled in a comprehensive school. During his studies, he was distinguished by his diligence, intelligence, and was involved in several sports. I especially often attended sections on martial arts, football, basketball, etc. In 1996, after 9th grade, he continued his studies at Oxford institutions in the UK (St Clare's college, Oxford and Box Hill School), where he studied English and natural sciences. In July 1998, he returned to Russia and graduated from 11th grade at a private college. I studied well, without C grades.

In 1999, immediately after graduating from secondary school, he entered the law faculty of the Moscow International Institute of Economics and Law (formerly IMTP). But the training had to be interrupted. In his second year, in 2000, Andrei was drafted into the army for compulsory military service. After returning, he continued his studies at the same faculty in 2006. received a diploma with the qualification “Lawyer”. Almost immediately I went to work in this specialty.

Legal activity

The beginning of his career was the restaurant segment. Andrey provided legal support to tea and coffee companies. In 2008, he decided it was time to work for himself. This is how his first law firm “Advoka-T” appeared. At the same time, Voronin began working on his book “Purchase of technically complex goods: consumer rights.” After its publication, Andrei began to be invited to film television and radio programs, and conduct training for employees of car dealerships and representative offices of manufacturing plants.

It is believed that Voronin became the founder of several new areas of civil law during his legal practice:
💎 Resolving conflicts with car dealerships and representatives of manufacturing plants, defending the interests of clients in proceedings with official dealers and fraudulent car dealerships;
💎 Internet law - support for the activities of companies and entrepreneurs on the Internet, security of business processes, refunds for services not provided;
💎 Broker or exchange fraud related to the foreign exchange market, cryptocurrencies, futures, securities and Forex.

Career as a dietician-nutritionist

Since childhood, Andrey was overweight, despite actively playing sports, and at a conscious age he constantly turned to various weight loss specialists. To solve his problem with excess weight, he began studying nutrition and dietetics, at the same time he was trained as a fitness trainer and later trained as a psychologist.

The knowledge gained completely changed Andrey's life. With their help, Voronin developed his own weight loss method “ DietLogic ” and the “Psychology of Slimness” program. Note that they are intended not only to get rid of extra pounds, but will help improve your life and switch to a healthy lifestyle. The above-mentioned methods are not based on diet therapy and active physical activity, but on the correction of psychological disorders and the development of incorrect attitudes towards food, in contrast to conventional diets, the services of nutritionists and nutritionists, and marathons. Want to know more? Then click on the button below right now.

It was “DietLogic” that helped the author lose excess weight and bring the body’s condition back to normal, which served as the starting point for the development of Andrei Pavlovich Voronin as a weight loss mentor and healthy lifestyle coach for artists and models from the fashion industry. He was repeatedly spotted surrounded by pop stars and bloggers. He has written several books, one of which is “Nutritionists, I don’t believe you!” became a bestseller on OZONe in 2020. It describes in detail the method he developed for weight loss in the format of psycho-behavioral therapy.

“DietLogic” by Andrey Voronin has several distinctive features from other weight loss programs:
❖ Refusal to weigh food and count calories;
❖ The emphasis of therapy on psychological restructuring, correction of attitudes towards food, changes in taste habits;
❖ Complex impact with the help of a healthy lifestyle and “working with the head”;
❖ Working on the causes of overeating and food addiction.

Among Andrei Pavlovich’s clients are stars of modern show business, famous entrepreneurs, and ordinary housewives. He regularly conducts webinars, publishes expert scientific articles, and gives interviews to magazines.

In a conversation with LIFE, he said that quality wine, when consumed in moderation, can be beneficial. “One glass of grape drink before lunch or dinner promotes the secretion of primary gastric juice, which has a beneficial effect on the digestion of food.”

In May 2020, in a conversation with Sport24, he explained what would happen if he ate vegetables every day. “The body will suffer from a lack of fat and protein, and you will not get the required amount of calories. For example, their daily requirement for a sports man is up to 2400 kcal. To replenish it, you need to eat 100 cups of chopped cabbage. The consequence of a calorie deficit will be a noticeable loss of energy, weakness, and a deficiency of vitamin B12 and D, which are not found in vegetables. Bloating and intestinal upset are also possible. Therefore, remember to eat a balanced diet and do not exclude foods rich in protein, fats and carbohydrates.”

He also gave a video interview to Moskovsky Komsomolets about how important it is to be able to refuse half-eaten food, no matter how expensive it is.

It is not possible to list all the famous speeches and publications of nutritionist Andrei Voronin. Because their number increases every week! But, we can say with confidence that Andrey has extensive experience in restoring slimness and health, and this is evidenced by a considerable number of reviews from grateful clients on the Internet.

Digital Presence

YouTube Channel