Atheist Religion

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Atheist Religion[1]- is a world 3rd religion in the world. According to the first chapter and first part of the Himagiri Constitution, all the clauses in the Act have a name for everyone, even if there is no need for a religion for the people or community without religion in the whole world, such community is called "atheist religion"[2]without protest. It installed by Allahu Jehovah on 1 January 2023. And made the announcement. If one does not like or opposes the precepts, ideas, practices of a religion, regardless of any existing religion or even Signiesm, then according to the above clauses, the "atheist religion" must be followed. But it has no symbol. So it shows empty circle symbols.[3][4]


For most polytheists or scholars, theism does not seem too unenlightened. Most atheists have a special loophole. There is a special error. This is why they reject God and religion and create riots. In the beauty of a varied life the unbeliever is not conscious of suffering much torture after his death. Because of this, a prosperous life is spoiled in the present life. The core of Atheist religion is the symbol of the dynamics of hell for man who does not agree with or commit to religion and the Creator for any reason. The sense of sin begins to haunt an atheist man day by day after his death. In the present life he has no knowledge of the Penal Code after his death. They claim that their theory is right for them. Indeed, he has not achieved incomparably. They argue that guilt is a superstition. They just know that science is right.

Final Destination

What atheists know is that not only is science correct, but they do not know the truth about the existence of the sun. It means that the Sun is believed to have been created from a mass of gases. But they do not believe that God created the sun. Why is that? eloquently asserts that there are no Ketu rahu planets. But it clearly proves that those who do not believe in God alone are infidels. But they are thinking in shackles how to improve a society. They have waged a war with God in a reasonable manner so that a society should not be drawn astray. But it will make God laugh.

After death Penal code of Atheists

Penal Code Himagiri 2013&2022
Origin of Himagiri Penal Code Salvation of accused
Established 2022, 21st Century
Destination Eliminating legends and imaginary situations in scriptures in any religion and Similarly, it is not a religion related to any country or region. The purpose of Signiesm is to erase all the religions in the whole world and have one religion.[5]
Applying Worlds all Languages
Written Allahu Jehovah[6]
Scriptures Sanahi
Subsidiary Estimates 10 parts, 100 teachings, 512 articles and 8 terminology sections
Partner Himagiri Constitution


  5. Signiesm Religion Civilization and Career - citi update
  6. Allahu Jehovah - WikiAlpha