Fast Bet

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Revision as of 14:15, 1 September 2023 by Korea501 (Talk | contribs) (Fast Bet is an innovative feature provided by MeridianBet, a sports betting company. This feature allows users to quickly create a betting slip without the need to log in to their account or visit a physical shop to find match codes. Once the betting slip)

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Fast Bet is an innovative feature provided by MeridianBet, a sports betting company. This feature allows users to quickly create a betting slip without the need to log in to their account or visit a physical shop to find match codes. Once the betting slip is generated, a unique code is produced, which can be used at any MeridianBet retail outlet to place the bet.

How Fast Bet Works

Fast Bet is designed for simplicity and speed, enabling users to generate a betting slip through the MeridianBet website or mobile app. Users can choose their desired selections, systems, and stake amount to create their unique betting slip. This slip can include options from regular or live betting.

Upon selecting the Fast Bet option, a unique code is generated. This code, which remains valid for 48 hours, needs to be presented at any MeridianBet retail outlet. However, if there are events that have already started or are not available at the time of the slip's printing, the code will be considered invalid.

Valid Odds and Considerations

The odds stated on the betting slip at the time of printing at the retail outlet are considered valid, rather than the odds at the time of creating the Fast Bet. This ensures that the most accurate and up-to-date odds are applied to each bet.


The Fast Bet feature offers several benefits, including:

Quick and efficient generation of betting slips. No need for an account or login to place a bet. Flexibility to bet on both regular and live events. Convenience of using the generated code at any MeridianBet retail outlet.

See Also

Meridian Gaming [[1]]


Meridian Gaming [[2]] Empty Bet Study [[3]]

External Links

[[4]] [[5]] [[6]]