Mud bath (TikTok)

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Mud bathing on TikTok is a phenomenon that has become a hot topic in Indonesia. The phenomenon began with the emergence of several videos featuring people, especially the elderly, bathing in mud. The videos then went viral and were widely watched by TikTok users.

The creators of these mud bath content usually utilize the live streaming feature on TikTok. They will bathe in mud while interacting with viewers. Viewers who want to support these content creators can send gifts. The gifts can then be exchanged for money.

The phenomenon of mud bathing on TikTok has sparked controversy. Some people believe that the phenomenon is a form of exploitation against the elderly. Others believe that it is a new form of creativity on TikTok.

Exploitation of the Elderly

One of the most common criticisms of the phenomenon of mud bathing on TikTok is that it is a form of exploitation against the elderly. The creators of these mud bath content often exploit the elderly who are poor and need money. They offer a sum of money to the elderly to bathe in mud and appear in their videos.

Of course, this can be harmful to the elderly. Mud bathing can cause various health problems, such as skin infections, eye irritation, and asthma. In addition, mud bathing can also make the elderly feel ashamed and humiliated.


To overcome the phenomenon of mud bathing on TikTok, solutions are needed from various parties. The government needs to issue regulations that govern content on social media. The regulations need to include a ban on content that exploits the elderly or vulnerable people.

In addition, there needs to be education for the community about the dangers and negative impacts of mud bathing on TikTok. This education needs to be done to the community, especially the younger generation, so that they can understand the potential dangers of this phenomenon.


The phenomenon of mud bathing on TikTok is a complex phenomenon. The phenomenon has both positive and negative aspects. The positive aspect is that the phenomenon can be a means of introducing local cultures to the wider community. However, the negative aspect is that it can be a form of exploitation against the elderly and vulnerable people.

To overcome this, solutions are needed from various parties, both the government, the community, and social media platforms.