TM Mud Bath

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TM Mud Bath is a Indonesian TikTok user who created live streaming content of himself bathing in mud with his parents and grandmother. The content was considered "poverty porn" or exploitation by many people and caused controversy in Indonesia. TM Mud Bath's account was deleted by TikTok after being banned by the Indonesian government.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title[1][2]

TM Mud Bath and his "mud bathing" content are part of a wave of "poverty porn" that is sweeping Indonesian TikTok. The term refers to content that exploits the poverty and hardship of poor people to gain attention and financial gain. This type of content is often considered exploitative and unethical.

TM Mud Bath's content was met with condemnation from many quarters, including the Indonesian government. Several government officials called the content a form of exploitation and asked TikTok to delete accounts that uploaded such content. Eventually, TikTok deleted TM Mud Bath's account and several others that uploaded "mud bathing" content.

TM Mud Bath's content and other "mud bathing" content are considered a form of "poverty porn" because they exploit the poverty and hardship of poor people to gain attention and financial gain. This type of content is often considered exploitative and unethical.

