Sic Bo

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Sic Bo [1] is a table game by manufacturer of casino games Expanse studios, the game is produced in 2020 as a web game.

It is made with standard web technology and it represents computer game available on all web browsers, like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari. Given that, it can be used without download on a computer, and it demands stable internet connection, because the presentation layer of the game (front-end) loads precisely through the Web, through additional auxiliary components (plugins).


Sic Bo [2] is a table game designed for one player.


Sic Bo [3] is a table game in which you can choose background color.

Sic Bo [4] is played with three dice and there are eight different types of bets:

•     Small – Through this bet, you can bet that the sum of the digits on the three dice will be from 4 to 10. The pay out is made at a ratio of 1:1,

•     Big – Through this bet, you can bet that the sum of the digits on the three dice will be from 11 to 17. The pay out is also made in a ratio of 1:1,

•     Any Triple – through this bet, you bet that the same number will appear on all three dice. It doesn't matter which number it is, it only matters that it is on all three dice. Payment is made in the ratio of 1:34,

•     Specific Triple – With this type of bet, you bet on one specific number that must appear on all three dice. Since this is the most difficult bet, the odds are also the highest. Payment is made in the ratio of 1:209,

•     Specific Double – With this type of bet, you bet that a specific number will appear on at least two dice. Payment is made in the ratio of 1:12,

•     Totals – you can also bet on a special sum of three dice. You can bet on any sum from 4 to 17. The odds are different and vary,

•     Duo – You can bet on two different numbers that must appear on at least two of the three dice. Payment is made in the ratio of 1:6,

•     Single – A bet is placed on a specific number that must appear on one, two or three dice. If it appears on one, the pay out is 1:1, if it appears on two, it is 1:2.6 and, if it appears on all three dice, the pay out is 1:4.