Ernest Sturm

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Real Photo Of Ernest Sturm
Native name Ernest Sturm
Born 4 June 1987 (1987-06-04) (age 37)
Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia
Residence United States
Nationality Russia
Known for Founder of Runway Waiters
Home town Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia
Height (5'11)
Spouse Sofia Margot


Ernest Sturm (born June 4, 1987) is a Russian-born entrepreneur and businessman, known for his notable contributions to the event staffing and influencer marketing industries. As the founder of Runway Waiters and CEO of Runway Influence, Sturm has been instrumental in shaping the trajectory of these companies and driving innovation within the fields they operate.

Early Life and Education:

Ernest Sturm was born on June 4, 1987, in the vibrant city of Kazan, located in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. From a young age, he exhibited a keen interest in business and a natural inclination towards entrepreneurship. Sturm's entrepreneurial spirit was nurtured by his supportive family, who encouraged him to pursue his passions.

Sturm's educational journey led him to pursue studies in business management and marketing. He enrolled in a prestigious university, where he honed his skills and acquired a solid foundation in business principles and strategic thinking. This educational background would later serve as a strong foundation for his entrepreneurial endeavors.

Career and Contributions:

Following his studies, Sturm embarked on a journey to establish his mark in the business world. His entrepreneurial vision and determination led him to found Runway Waiters, a pioneering company that redefined the concept of event staffing within the fashion industry. Through his leadership, Sturm transformed event staffing by integrating professional runway models into the service, elevating the standard of event experiences and creating a unique offering that stood out in the market. Runway Waiters quickly gained recognition and became a trusted partner for prestigious fashion shows, red carpet events, and exclusive parties.

Building upon the success of Runway Waiters, Sturm recognized the emerging power of influencer marketing and its potential to revolutionize brand promotion. This led him to establish Runway Influence, a company focused on connecting brands with social media influencers to facilitate impactful collaborations. As 'CEO of Runway Influence, Sturm has been at the forefront of fostering authentic partnerships that effectively leverage the influence of digital content creators. Under his guidance, Runway Influence has become a leading platform, helping brands navigate the dynamic landscape of influencer marketing and harness the power of social media to drive brand awareness and engagement.

Sturm's strategic leadership, innovation, and commitment to excellence have been fundamental to the growth and success of both Runway Waiters and Runway Influence. Through his entrepreneurial acumen, he has established a reputation for delivering exceptional services, fostering client relationships, and consistently pushing the boundaries of what is possible within these industries.

Philanthropy and Social Impact:

Beyond his professional endeavors, Sturm is dedicated to making a positive impact on society. He actively supports philanthropic initiatives that promote diversity, inclusivity, and equal opportunities within the fashion industry. Sturm believes in using his success as a platform to empower aspiring models and individuals from underrepresented backgrounds, striving to create a more inclusive and accessible industry.

Personal Life:

Ernest Sturm maintains a private personal life, keeping details about his personal interests and hobbies out of the public eye. However, his dedication to his entrepreneurial ventures and commitment to driving positive change within the industries he operates in are well-known.


Ernest Sturm's entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking have left an indelible mark on the event staffing and influencer marketing industries. His vision and determination have reshaped the way events are staffed and paved the way for new opportunities in brand promotion. Through his leadership, Sturm has positioned himself as a respected figure in the business world, inspiring aspiring entrepreneurs and leaving a lasting legacy.


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