Damarea Ogbuewu

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Damarea Leah Ogbuewu (born August 8,2005) is an American-Nigeria media personality, socialite, singer-songwriter, and activist of Chinese descent. She began her acting career in 2021 when she landed the role of Jade Reed in the 2022 reboot 'The Last Karate Kid', and is the granddaughter of ex-ambassador Frank Ogbuewu of Nigeria to Greece and the eldest niece of Princess Elizabeth Olowu. She is the first African-American to win a literary arts award in the U.S.

At age 6, she had her art added as a permanent piece in the South Carolina Art Gallery.

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Grey

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Birthplace: Columbia, South Carolina

Nationality- Nigerian American

Weight: 120 lbs

Height: 5'4 in

Parents: N/A

Husband/boyfriend: Prince Christian of Denmark

Sibling(s): 1

Yearly Salary: 1M

Cars: Ford Fusion