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What is a proxy and what is it used for?

If you are familiar with network security and administration, you have probably already heard of the term proxy. When you connect to the network through a proxy, your traffic goes through the proxy server to the web address you requested. This helps to hide your identity and makes it difficult to track the sites you visit.

Every device connected to the internet has a unique IP that allows the site to know where to send the content you requested. When you use a proxy, you essentially get a different IP. Your ISP will be able to see that you are connected to a proxy, but will not know which sites you are visiting. And the sites you are on will not be able to determine where you came from, because they will see the IP of the proxy server you are using.

What are proxies used for?

There are several reasons why you need to use a proxy server:

  • Content blocking bypass. usually a vpn free will do same work, but I think that proxy do job better. Your network may block certain websites to prevent content from being viewed. Using a proxy, your browsing will be from a different IP, so blocking content will no longer be a problem.
    Hide your IP address. If you are browsing sites, and at the same time, you want your IP address to be anonymous, you can also
  • use a proxy server for this purpose.
  • Access geo-restricted content. Some sites restrict viewing of video content to certain countries. To access them you need a blocking-free IP address. A proxy server can offer you this option so you can watch your favorite movies and TV shows.
  • Hide your identity online. If you want to maintain anonymity on the Internet, then using a proxy server it will not be difficult for you to do this. For example, you can leave a comment on any resource without highlighting your IP.

Proxy servers act as gateways between your device and the internet. There are several types of them, each offering different levels of functionality, security and privacy.

Proxy types:

  • Open proxies
    These are public proxies that are available to any Internet user. There are two types of open proxies: anonymous and transparent. Anonymous proxies are designed to hide your IP so that no one will know your location. And transparent (standard) proxies simply change IP, but do not provide privacy, so your real IP will still be present in the request.
  • Reverse proxy
    A reverse or alternatively, an inbound proxy receives requests from the Internet and then forwards them to several small servers. Instead of connecting directly to a proxy that then connects to the internet, you first connect to the internet, and the reverse proxy is placed between your internet connection and the site you visit. A reverse proxy is commonly used to improve security and performance.