Amira (Canadian orphan)

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Amira is a Canadian girl who was orphaned when her parents died in Syria during the war against Daesh. In 2019 she was found wandering by the side of a road after her parents and three siblings were killed by a missile.

Her parents, who were Canadian citizens, are suspected to have traveled to Daesh to volunteer to aid Daesh, also known as the "Islamic State". Amira was born in Daesh occupied Syria, but is a Canadian citizen because her parents were citizens.

Members of her extended family struggled for a year to secure her repatriation. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said bringing her to Canada was complicated because Canada did not have diplomatic relations with Syria. One of Amira's uncles traveled to the part of Syria controlled by quasi-independent Kurdish militias. Kurdish officials assured her uncle that they would be happy to release Amira once they received an official letter from Canada assuring them Canada would accept her and make sure she received proper care.


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