The Suffering Edge

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Social science fiction, Drama, Gothic, Tech-noir, Horror

The Suffering Edge is an upcoming American science fiction drama Wattpad novel based on the Gundam franchise. It was created by me, Tomicamaker1234. The story, set in alternate version of England(which is depicted as a massive space colony), follows a young girl named Marina Pollsworth, who defends herself from Clarissa Hollington and Meredith Angel, the main antagonists, using a mobile suit known as the EXA. The story features dark themes and subject matter, such as abuse, exploitation, bullying, etc.


Taking place in a version of London with elements of the 19th century, The Suffering Edge begins with Marina Pollsworth, who discovers an abandoned mobile suit, the EXA. Clarissa Hollington, her longtime abuser, soon appears in another suit, the Heiress. As Marina boards the EXA, Clarissa attacks her, forcing her