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The CONTROLSYS-22 "Doll" is the primary mobile suit of MS DOLL 219, the first story in the MS: Mechanica Dramatica series. A particularly strange prototype mobile weapon, the Doll is piloted by Melissa, the main protagonist uses it to defend herself against against Nadine, her longtime tormentor. It is based on the HER-SELF Mobile Doll Sarah's "MS Mode" from Gundam Build Divers.

During the story it it revealed that Mrs. Angel and Nadine intend to use the Doll for their own purposes.


The MOONSYS-22 "Jade Rabbit", like its counterpart, the Duchess, is a rather unique mobile suit. It was named for the Chinese legend of the "moon goddess", which seems to fit its human-like design and one of its notable features: its rabbit-like ears.

Melissa's Personality

Angst-ridden and somewhat depressed, Melissa is known, at least to Mr. Karian, to be "emotionally troubled". This is attributed to the abuse she has suffered from Nadine. Unlike most Gundam protagonists, Melissa's personality remains the same throughout the entire story.

Weaponry and equipment

When Melissa became the Jade Rabbit's pilot, the suit was restored, and as such, was retrofitted an additional with an set of weaponry:

Beam Sabers: Devices which emit beams of plasma capable of slicing most materials with ease.

Beam Gun: The Jade Rabbit's primary weapon, a powerful beam rifle which can either fire long bursts of energy or small, bullet-like shots. However, it has limited ammunition.

Gatling Guns: Mounted on the Fumina's arms, these are mid-range cannons which are moderately weak against hard materials, but can destroy a mobile suit's optics with ease. They, like the beam gun, have limited ammunition.