MSF-001 Fumina

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"(Shaken) don't care about me. If you did, none of this would've happened to me. But you don't! You've done nothing but ruin me, even when I felt sorry for you, I...I tried so hard.......but you've ruined my life.....I actually though you'd help me for once......but've done all of this to me...........YOU'VE RUINED ME! IT'S ALWAYS BEEN ME!"- Marina's diatribe towards Mrs. Goddess and Clarissa during the final battle

The MSF-001 "Fumina" is the titular mobile suit of my fanfic, MS 219 FUMINA. A weapon composed of both biological and inorganic matter, the Fumina is piloted by Marina Lopez, the main protagonist, who uses it to defend herself against against Clarissa Fraulein, the main antagonist. During the story, the Fumina is upgraded twice, the first when the suit is modified into the , the "KCS-002 Fumina "Weiss",and later, when it is upgraded into the KCPSS-0013 Fumina "Weiss Abandoned", remaining in this form permanently.


Unlike most other mobile suits, the Fumina is rather human-like in appearance. It sports orange-blonde hair, blue eyes. and part of its armor features a yellow and white color scheme, while the armor on its head, upper legs, and abdomen colored in a manner similar to human skin. Notably, the Fumina sports three scars, one on its right and and breast, and one on its abdomen. During the first encounter with Clarissa's Gyanko, the Fumina sustained considerable damage. As a result, the suit now sports a large crater(due to the detonation of one of its beam sabers), which reveals its internal mechanisms, on the right side of its face and parts of its armor being missing or destroyed. During the first against the Felibestia, the Fumina suffered further damage after taking the full brunt of an explosion, with its head being completely destroyed and its armor has been burnt, resulting in a charred appearance. It also lacks its Gatling guns. The modified version of the Fumina, the Fumina "Weiss", takes on an very different appearance.

Marina's Personality

Angst-ridden and somewhat depressed, Marina is known, at least to Mr. Karian, to be "emotionally troubled". This is attributed to the abuse she has suffered from Clarissa, harboring an extreme hatred for her. Unlike most Gundam protagonists, Marina's personality remains the same throughout the entire story.

(Fumina)Weaponry and equipment

Being a combat mobile suit

Beam Sabers: Devices which emit beams of plasma capable of slicing most materials with ease. The suit's beam sabers were destroyed during the first battle with the Gyanko.

Beam Gun: The Fumina's primary weapon, a powerful beam rifle which can either fire long bursts of energy or small, bullet-like shots.

Gatling Guns: Mounted on the Fumina's arms, these are mid-range cannons which are moderately weak against hard materials, but can destroy a mobile suit's optics with ease. They later removed after the first battle with the Felibestia.

Fumina "Weiss"

This upgraded form of the Fumina was created from the remains of its original form and .