Abdulrahman Aboshamah

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Abdulrahman Aboshamah
Picture of Abdulrahman Aboshamah
Born 17 June 1993 (1993-06-17) (age 31)
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Nationality Egyptian
Occupation Entrepreneur
Known for
  • Co-founder at Raaed
  • Founder at Gamesbandy

Abdulrahman Aboshamah, an Egyptian visionary, has carved a unique path in the entrepreneurial landscape. His journey is a testament to resilience, creativity, and unwavering commitment to impact. Let’s explore the facets that define this remarkable entrepreneur. Abdulrahman’s entrepreneurial journey began with a deep love for innovation. He recognized the untapped potential in the MENA region and set out to create platforms that would empower individuals and transform industries.

Background and Early Career

Graphic Design

Abdulrahman’s journey began with a passion for graphic design. From 2011 to 2015, he explored creative concepts, visualizing ideas and translating them into captivating visuals. This early exposure to design principles significantly influenced his later ventures.


Subsequently, Abdulrahman transitioned into marketing in early 2016. During this period, he honed his skills, understanding the intricacies of brand promotion, customer engagement, and market positioning. His ability to communicate effectively and create compelling narratives set the foundation for his entrepreneurial endeavors.

Project Management

As a project manager from 2018 to 2020, Abdulrahman demonstrated exceptional organizational skills, handling complex tasks efficiently. He successfully led teams, ensuring projects were delivered on time and within scope.

Abdulrahman’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to build several side hustles and startups. These experiences provided valuable insights into business dynamics, risk management, and growth strategies. His ability to identify opportunities and take calculated risks contributed to his success.

Enkaaz: Roadside Assistance Startup

In 2018, Abdulrahman joined Enkaaz, a transportation startup. Enkaaz aimed to revolutionize roadside assistance by leveraging shared economy models and mobile technology. As part of the team, he contributed to solving critical issues in the field of roadside assistance, ensuring prompt and efficient services for stranded customers. [1]

Abdulrahman’s multifaceted background, coupled with his passion for innovation, positions him as a catalyst behind Raaed. His commitment to supporting aspiring entrepreneurs underscores his vision for a thriving startup ecosystem in Egypt and beyond.

Gamesbandy: Gaming Marketplace

Gamesbandy, founded by Abdulrahman in early 2020, has emerged as a game-changer in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) gaming landscape. This innovative platform bridges the gap between gamers, offering a secure marketplace for buying, selling, and trading accounts, in-game items, and more. Gamesbandy secured a successful funding round, from Flat6labs, propelling its growth and enabling even greater support for gamers in the MENA region. [2]

Raaed: Empowering Entrepreneurs

Raaed is a dynamic platform designed to be a launchpad for entrepreneurial success. It provides startup founders and entrepreneurs with the essential support, resources, and connections needed to transform their ideas into impactful ventures. Through mentorship, networking opportunities, and strategic guidance, Raaed aims to empower the next generation of innovators.

Personal Life

Outside of his professional endeavors, Abdulrahman Aboshamah is known for his passion for technology, travel, and philanthropy. He actively engages with the gaming community, participates in industry events, and supports charitable initiatives related to education and youth empowerment.
  1. https://mint-incubator.com/enkaaz-2
  2. https://www.wamda.com/2021/05/egyptian-gaming-startup-gamesbandy-closes-seed-round