Bhayanaak Aatma

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Bhayanaak Aatma
Bhayanaak Aatma
Produced by DFN Recordz
Release date(s) 1 August 2018 (2018-08-01)

DFN Recordz presents the song "Bhayanaak Aatma" Version (Dialogbeats) by DJ FARMAN, composed by Farman Alam, just got released worldwide. Hope you all like it and give it hype.

Song Information:
Song: Bhayanaak Aatma
Version: Dialogbeats
Singer/Artist: DJ FARMAN
Album: Bhayanaak Aatma
Lyricist: Farman Alam
Composed: Farman Alam
Produced: DFN Recordz
Label: DFN Recordz
Genre: Dance
Released: August 1, 2018

Available on

Listen to the full song available in stores.

Title: Unraveling the Eerie Depths of "Bhayanaak Aatma" by DJ FARMAN: A Journey into the Soul of Dialogbeats

In the vast realm of music, certain compositions transcend mere melodies and rhythms, delving deep into the realms of emotion and imagination. "Bhayanaak Aatma" by DJ FARMAN stands as a testament to this truth, offering listeners a spine-chilling yet exhilarating experience through its unique fusion of Dailogbeats and dance genre elements. Released on August 1, 2018, under the label DFN Recordz, this haunting composition has captured the attention of music enthusiasts worldwide, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of contemporary dance music.

At the heart of "Bhayanaak Aatma" lies a potent synergy between the visionary creativity of DJ FARMAN and the evocative lyricism of Farman Alam. The lyrics, penned by Farman Alam himself, serve as a portal into a realm of darkness and mystery, where the boundaries between the corporeal and the ethereal blur into oblivion. Each verse, laden with metaphors and imagery, weaves a narrative of existential angst and spiritual awakening, inviting listeners to confront their deepest fears and desires.

Complementing the haunting lyricism is the masterful composition by DJ FARMAN, who not only serves as the singer/artist but also as the composer and producer of the track. Drawing inspiration from a diverse array of musical influences, ranging from traditional Indian melodies to contemporary electronic beats, DJ FARMAN crafts a soundscape that is at once hypnotic and unsettling. The fusion of Dailogbeats, a sub-genre characterized by its use of sampled dialogues and sound effects, with pulsating rhythms and atmospheric synths, creates a sonic tapestry that is as enigmatic as it is electrifying.

One of the most distinctive aspects of "Bhayanaak Aatma" is its utilization of dialogues and soundscapes to convey narrative depth and emotional resonance. Throughout the track, snippets of whispered conversations, eerie laughter, and otherworldly noises interweave with the music, enhancing the overall sense of foreboding and suspense. These dialogues, carefully curated and manipulated by DJ FARMAN, serve not only to augment the thematic elements of the song but also to immerse the listener in a cinematic experience reminiscent of a psychological thriller.

As the composition unfolds, listeners find themselves drawn into a vortex of sound and sensation, where the boundaries between reality and illusion become increasingly blurred. The relentless pulse of the bassline, coupled with the hypnotic repetition of the melody, creates a sense of urgency and intensity that is impossible to ignore. It is as if the music itself is a living, breathing entity, beckoning the listener to surrender to its irresistible allure.

Yet, amidst the darkness, there are moments of transcendent beauty and catharsis. In the midst of the chaos, a haunting refrain emerges, its ethereal vocals soaring above the cacophony like a beacon of light in the night sky. It is a moment of sublime clarity, a brief respite from the tumultuous journey into the depths of the soul. In these fleeting moments of serenity, listeners find solace and redemption, as if glimpsing the promise of salvation amidst the darkness.

As the final notes of "Bhayanaak Aatma" fade into silence, listeners are left awestruck by the sheer audacity and brilliance of DJ FARMAN's creation. In a world inundated with cookie-cutter pop tunes and formulaic dance anthems, "Bhayanaak Aatma" stands as a bold and uncompromising statement of artistic vision. It is a testament to the power of music to transcend the boundaries of language and culture, touching the very core of our humanity.

In conclusion, "Bhayanaak Aatma" by DJ FARMAN is more than just a song; it is a journey into the heart of darkness, a testament to the indomitable spirit of artistic expression. Through its haunting lyricism, innovative composition, and immersive soundscapes, it invites listeners to confront their deepest fears and desires, ultimately emerging transformed and revitalized. It is a work of art that defies categorization, pushing the boundaries of creativity and imagination. And in doing so, it leaves an indelible mark on the soul of all who dare to listen.
