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NFT PentoCoin is a diamond in the world of crypto. It is mined from the solutions of pentomino puzzle. Derived from the Greek word for '5', and domino, a pentomino (or 5-omino) is a polyomino of order 5, that is, a polygon in the plane made of 5 equal-sized squares connected edge-to-edge. There are 12 different pentominoes.

Pentomino tiling puzzles and games are popular in recreational mathematics. A standard pentomino puzzle is to tile a rectangular box with the pentominoes, i.e. cover it without overlap and without gaps. Each of the 12 pentominoes has an area of 5 unit squares, so the box must have an area of 60 units. Possible sizes are 6×10, 5×12, 4×15 and 3×20.


In October 2022, the NFT collection NFT PentoCoin was created and listed on OpenSea.[1] The first item from the collection is given on the Opensea platform.[2]


All 12 pentomino shapes are numbered from 1 to 12. The number of combinations from 12 unique digits is 479,001,600. It is calculated as follows:

The number of combinations from 12 unique digits can be calculated using permutations. Since each digit must be unique in each combination, we can use the permutation formula.

The formula for permutations, P(n, r), is defined as n! / (n - r)!, where n is the number of elements and r is the number of selected elements.

In this case, we have 12 digits, and we are selecting all 12 digits (r = 12). Thus, the permutation formula will look as follows:

P(12, 12) = 12! / (12 - 12)! = 12! Where "!" denotes factorial. Let's calculate it:12! = 12 × 11 × 10 × 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 479,001,600

The 6×10 case was first solved in 1960 by Colin Brian Haselgrove and Jenifer Haselgrove.[3] There are exactly 9356 solutions, including trivial variations obtained by rotation and reflection of the whole rectangle and including rotation and reflection of a subset of pentominoes (which sometimes provides an additional solution in a simple way). The 5×12 box has 4040 solutions, the 4×15 box has 1472 solutions, and the 3×20 box has just 8 solutions. In total, there are 14,876 combinations of pentomino shapes.

However, there are certain combinations of pentomino shapes that share the same combination of numbers. These combinations have a property called "sibling," where multiple different shape combinations correspond to a single combination of numbers. The creator of the NFT PentoCoin collection, Alex Carolus Rex Attewood, calculated that there are a total of 14,153 digit combinations that yield solutions for pentomino. Therefore, the probability of a 12-digit combination being a solution for pentomino is 0.00295204% (14,153 out of 479,001,600).

Size Combinations of Shapes Combination of Digits Uniqueness,  % Sibling % Siblings
6×10 9356 8819 0,00183949 1020 10,90
5×12 4040 3887 0,00070602 303 7,50
4×15 1472 1440 0,00001251 60 4,07
3×20 8 8 0,00000167 8 0,00
Total 14876 14153 0,00295204 1383 9,30

Sibling Property

Size Solutions combinations of shapes Sibling, % Combination of digits Sibling Level Uniqueness, %
6×10 9356 1020 10,90 483 47,35 0,00010069
5×12 4040 303 7,50 150 49,50 0,00003126
4×15 1472 60 4,08 28 46,67 0,00000585
3×20 8 0 0,0 0 0,00 0,00000000
Total 14876 1383 8,36 660 47,72 0,00013755
Size Solutions Sibling
2 3 4 5 6
Qty % % Qty % % Qty % % Qty % % Qty % %
6×10 9356 907 6,10 9,69 39 0,26 0,42 40 0,27 0,43 10 0,07 0,11 24 0,16 0,26
8819 454 0,00009476 5,15 13 0,00000271 0,14 10 0,00000209 0,11 2 0,00000042 0,02 4 0.00000084 0,05
5×12 4040 291 1,95 7,20 12 0,08 0,30 0 0,00 0,00 0 0,00 0,00 0 0,00 0,00
3887 146 0.00003046 3,76 4 0,00000084 0,10 0 0,00000000 0,00 0 0,00000000 0,00 0 0,00000000 0,00
4×15 1472 48 0,32 3,26 12 0,08 0,82 0 0,00 0,00 0 0,00 0,00 0 0,00 0,00
1440 24 0,00000500 1,67 4 0,00000084 0,28 0 0,00000000 0,00 0 0,00000000 0,00 0 0,00000000 0,00
3×20 8 0 0,00000000 0,00 0 0,00000000 0,00 0 0,00000000 0,00 0 0,00000000 0,00 0 0,00000000 0,00
Total 14876 1246 8,37 8,36 63 0,42 0,42 40 0,27 0,43 10 0,07 0,11 24 0,16 0,26
660 623 0,00012988 90,39 21 0,00000438 3,19 10 0,000002085 1,51 2 0,00000042 0,30 4 0.00000084 0,61

There are 660 combinations of digits that yield 1383 combinations of pentomino shapes. Therefore, subtracting 1383 combinations of shapes with the sibling property from the total number of possible combinations, which is 14876, and adding 660 unique combinations of digits that yield pentomino solutions with the sibling property, we obtain 14153 combinations of digits that give pentomino solutions with the sibling property. Among them, 9.3% have more than one shape combination for each digit combination, indicating the presence of the sibling property.

The combination of digits 7 6 2 12 11 3 8 10 5 9 4 is the only one that serves as a solution for both the 6×10 and 5×12 size combinations of shapes. The probability of such digits combinations is 0,000000209238%.

Pento Music

Associating each of the 12 pentomino shapes with a unique musical note based on their respective numbers can create a musical representation of the pentomino solutions.

Assigning note C to shape 1 and so on, according to the table, you have generated a total of 14,153 unique minimal musical compositions corresponding to the number of unique digit combinations that yield pentomino solutions.

It's fascinating to explore the intersection of mathematics, shapes, and music in this way, creating a unique auditory experience based on the properties of the pentomino puzzles.

pentomino ID Name Golomb Name


note sound
1 L Q C
2 I O C sharp
3 V V D
4 T T D sharp
5 X X E
6 F R F
7 Z Z F sharp
8 N S G
9 W W G sharp
10 U U A
11 Y Y A sharp
12 P P B


It is possible to compose songs using combinations of sounds.

1) In total there are 35 songs

2) There are no songs for Dragon + Leo

3) For Earth + North there are two songs only from Tiger + Gemini and Rooster + Capricornus

Size [1] Cardinal Direction Chinese Zodiac Zodiac YouTube Playlist
6×10 1 1 Fire East Rat Aries NFT PentoCoin #1 5 4 6 8 9 2 10 7 3 12 11
6×10 1 2 Fire East Ox Taurus To Be Created
6×10 1 3 Fire East Tiger Gemini To Be Created
6×10 1 4 Fire East Rabbit Cancer To Be Created
6×10 1 6 Fire East Snake Virgo To Be Created
6×10 1 7 Fire East Horse Libra To Be Created
6×10 1 8 Fire East Goat Scorpio To Be Created
6×10 1 9 Fire East Monkey Sagittarius To Be Created
6×10 1 10 Fire East Rooster Capricornus To Be Created
6×10 1 11 Fire East Dog Aquarius To Be Created
6×10 1 12 Fire East Pig Pisces To Be Created
5×12 2 1 Water South Rat Aries To Be Created
5×12 2 2 Water South Ox Taurus To Be Created
5×12 2 3 Water South Tiger Gemini To Be Created
5×12 2 4 Water South Rabbit Cancer] To Be Created
5×12 2 6 Water South Snake Virgo To Be Created
5×12 2 7 Water South Horse Libra] To Be Created
5×12 2 8 Water South Goat Scorpio To Be Created
5×12 2 9 Water South Monkey Sagittarius To Be Created
5×12 2 10 Water South Rooster Capricornus To Be Created
5×12 2 11 Water South Dog Aquarius To Be Created
5×12 2 12 Water South Pig Pisces To Be Created
4×15 3 1 Air West Rat Aries To Be Created
4×15 3 2 Air West Ox Taurus To Be Created
4×15 3 3 Air West Tiger Gemini To Be Created
4×15 3 4 Air West Rabbit Cancer] To Be Created
4×15 3 6 Air West Snake Virgo To Be Created
4×15 3 7 Air West Horse Libra To Be Created
4×15 3 8 Air West Goat Scorpio To Be Created
4×15 3 9 Air West Monkey Sagittarius To Be Created
4×15 3 10 Air West Rooster Capricornus To Be Created
4×15 3 11 Air West Dog Aquarius To Be Created
4×15 3 12 Air West Pig Pisces To Be Created
3×20 4 3 Earth North Tiger Gemini To Be Created
3×20 4 10 Earth North Rooster Capricornus To Be Created

Price Calculation

Size sibling Price, ETH Quantity Amount, ETH
6×10 1 1000 8336 8336000
6×10 2 2000 907 1814000
6×10 3 3000 39 117000
6×10 4 4000 40 160000
6×10 5 5000 10 50000
6×10 6 6000 24 144000
5×12 1 10000 3737 37370000
5×12 2 20000 291 5820000
5×12 3 30000 12 360000
4×15 1 100000 1412 141200000
4×15 2 200000 48 9600000
4×15 3 300000 12 3600000
3×20 1 1000000 8 8000000
Total 14876 216571000

See also


External links