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Anarcarkism is an anarchist and libertarian movement. Inspired by technological determinism and Teodhore John Kaczynski's story “Ship of Fools”, Anarcarkism acknowledges the more or less imminent sinking of the industrial society most humans, animals and environments on earth are subjected to. Differently from Kaczynski, the Anarcarkist does not intend to undermine the techno-system governing society. He rather sets forward to the building of a lifeboat, the tinkering of an ark in which to rescue whatever he can rescue of human and natural life in peril.

The anarchy black and brown flag of Anarcarkism with the anarchy A truncated so as to symbolize an ark



As early as 1964 Canadian philosopher [Marshall McLuhan] pointed out how those individuals making a creative use of technology at the margins of society come to create Noah's like arks which if disclosed on time can alleviate the catastrophes that each new technological paradigm brings about[1]. In his seminal text “The Technological Society” French philosopher [Jacques Ellul] also makes a distinction between industrial technology of big organizations and the technique used by individuals in the same fashion as primitive shamans adhering to a formula. Disclosing his own self-tracking and constraints-based practice as part of his doctorate thesis, in 2016 Italian artist Alberto Frigo analyzed how his ark stowed with life-data provided the audience with a form of syncretism healing it from the polarization brought forward by for example social media.

External links

  • [1] Anarcarkism official website
  • McLuhan, Marshall (1964). Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. ISBN 81-14-67535-7.