Executive Order 13493

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The below content is licensed according to Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License contrary to the public domain logo at the foot of the page. It originally appeared on http://en.wikipedia.org. The original article might still be accessible here. You may be able to find a list of the article's previous contributors on the talk page.

Executive Order 13493 is an Executive Order issued by United States President Barack Obama ordering the identification of lawful options to the detention of captives in the Guantanamo Bay detention camps, in Cuba.[1][2] The full title of the order is: Executive Order 13493 - Review of Detention Policy Options. In Executive Order 13492 Obama had ordered the camps' closure, within a year. But Guantanamo Bay detention camp has still yet to be closed, as of May 2011 there was 171 captives still being held.[3]

Executive Order 13493 was a follow up to Executive Order 13492, in it Barack Obama laid out the Special Interagency Task Force. The Special Interagency Task Force job find lawful options of places to put captured or apprehended individuals with armed conflict and counterterrorism operations.[4]


  • The Attorney General, Co-Chair
  • The Secretary of Defense, Co-Chair
  • The Secretary of State
  • The Secretary of Homeland Security
  • The Director of National Intelligence
  • The Director the CIA
  • The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • Any other officers employed by the United States choose by the Co-Chairs with the consent of the head of department or agency of concerned.


Either Co-Chair is responsible to designate offices and employees with in departments. Other agencies can request to work on the Special Interagency Task Force with the approval of the Co-Chairs and the heads of the agency they come from.


The Co-Chairs are in charge of meetings; they determine agendas and directs the agencies work. The Co-Chairs can make and direct subgroups that are staffed by only workers of the Special Interagency Task Force.


"The mission of the Special Task Force shall be to conduct a comprehensive review of the lawful options available to the Federal Government with respect to the apprehension, detention, trial, transfer, release, or other disposition of individuals captured or apprehended in connection with armed conflicts and counterterrorism operations, and to identify such options as are consistent with the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States and the interests of justice." <http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/pdf/E9-1895.pdf>


The task force is for administrative purposes within the Department of Justice who will support and fund the Special Task Force.


The Special Task Force must give the President a report through the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and the Council to the President on the operation of the task force.


The Co-Chair can terminate the task force when its duties are complete.
