Resting bitch face

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Jessica Bennett described shock at recognizing this photo showed her 'resting bitch face'.[1]

Resting bitch face is a term used to describe a facial expression captured when a person is unaware that they are being photographed, that other people describe as "angry".[1][2]

Jessica Bennett described the phenomenon in article on August 1, 2015, in the New York Times.[1] She listed actors Anna Kendrick, Anna Paquin, January Jones, Kristen Stewart, and fashion designer Victoria Beckham as celebrities who had been caught in candid snapshots that were characterized as instances of "resting bitch face".[2]

Country singer Kacey Musgraves, who has also been described showing resting bitch face, offered 17 alternate phrases she felt were more fair.[3]

Kanye West is a rare instance of a man described as showing resting bitch face.[1][4]

On May 22, 2013, the comedy Broken People released a faux public service announcement, warning about the dangers of "bitchy resting face".[1][5]

Justin Farell Alamar recorded a song about the phenomenon, on July 16, 2015.

Chloé Hogg, in a 2014 article in the journal Philological Quarterly, asserted that the phenomenon was not new, and offered Hyacinthe Rigaud's portrait of Louis XIV depicting his "bitchy resting face".[6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Jessica Bennett (2015-08-01). "I’m Not Mad. That’s Just My RBF.". New York Times. p. ST9. Retrieved 2015-08-02. "In that moment, I joined the ranks of a tribe of women who suffer from the scourge known as “resting bitch face” or, increasingly, just RBF." 
  2. 2.0 2.1 Stephanie Shi (2015-06-04). "13 Struggles Only Women With Resting Bitch Face Understand". Cosmopolitan magazine. Retrieved 2015-08-02. 
  3. Kelley Dunlop (2015-06-23). "17 More Accurate Names For Resting Bitchface". Buzzfeed. Retrieved 2015-08-02. 
  4. Kaitlyn Laurie (2015-07-08). "Poster People for Resting Bitch Face Kristen Stewart and Kanye West Hung Out in Paris Last Night". Celebuzz. Retrieved 2015-08-02. 
  5. "Bitchy resting face". Broken People. 2013-05-22. Retrieved 2015-08-02. 
  6. Chloé Hogg (Winter 2014). Subject of Passions: Charles Le Brun and the Emotions of Absolutism. Philological Quarterly. pp. 65-94. Retrieved 2015-08-02. "Hyacinthe Rigaud's famous portrait of Louis XIV depicts the absolute monarch's absolute physiognomic control as part of the attributes of royalty-what I'm tempted to call, in contemporary emotional parlance, Louis XIV's "bitchy resting face".".