Nicklas Nickel

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Nicklas Nickel
Nicklas Nickel German-Iranian author
Nicklas Nickel
Born December 1, 1987
Zurich, Switzerland
Nationality German
Occupation Author, Political thinker, Economic Critic

Nicklas Nickel (born December 1, 1987) is a German-Iranian economist, author, and political commentator. He is renowned for his critical perspectives on neoliberal economics, alongside his advocacy for human rights and environmental activism. Notably, he has been outspoken in his criticisms of Donald Trump's policies while supporting the Bernie Sanders campaign. Nickel has authored nine books on economics and political science, some of which have been translated into six languages.

Early life and education

Nicklas Nickel was born in Zurich, Switzerland, to an Iranian mother and a German father. Growing up in an evangelical Christian family, he spent his childhood in both Iran and Germany. Nickel pursued his studies in economics at Swiss universities. His upbringing in a multicultural environment, coupled with his exposure to media content from two distinct worlds, allowed him to develop diverse perspectives compared to other analysts.

While Western media often present one-sided narratives favoring the West, and Eastern media tend to do the same for the benefit of the East, Nickel's immersion in both environments enabled him to appreciate the viewpoints of both sides. This unique attribute has significantly enriched his analyses. He has authored several books and articles, leveraging his insights gained from his cross-cultural experiences.

Nicklas Nickel


Nicklas Nickel's body of work primarily revolves around comparative studies in economics, politics, and social sciences. Through his books and articles, he critiques what he perceives as the "inherent injustices of neoliberal capitalism" and advocates for the implementation of fairer and more sustainable economic laws. He identifies himself as a "liberal" with "social democratic" leanings.

Nicklas Nickel, an advocate of the Austrian school of economics as depicted in his seminal work "Awareness and Economics," emphasizes the importance of enhancing individual involvement and public engagement to foster economic growth and development. Nickel attributes recent global economic crises to a multitude of factors rather than solely to Keynesian economics. He advocates for prompt governmental policy reforms in response to evolving economic landscapes.

Nicklas Nickel

Nicklas Nickel's Economic Views

Nicklas Nickel is a renowned critic of neoliberal economics and an advocate for fundamental reforms in the global economic system. He argues that the current system favors the wealthy at the expense of the less privileged, resulting in heightened inequality and environmental degradation.

Nickel argues that there are several criticisms of Keynesian economics suggesting it could contribute to exacerbating poverty in developing societies:

1. Reliance on Government Intervention: Keynesian economics often relies heavily on extensive government intervention to manage economic cycles and stimulate demand. In developing countries with weak institutions and corruption, such intervention may lead to inefficiency, resource misallocation, and a worsening of poverty rather than fostering sustainable development.

2. Inflationary Pressures: Keynesian policies, such as deficit spending and expansionary monetary policies, can result in inflationary pressures. Inflation disproportionately affects the poor by diminishing their purchasing power and real wages, thereby exacerbating poverty levels in developing societies.

3. Crowding Out Private Investment: Government spending funded through borrowing or taxation may crowd out private investment in developing countries. This could hinder growth in the private sector, entrepreneurship, and job creation, perpetuating poverty rather than facilitating sustainable economic development.

4. Distorted Incentives: Keynesian measures, such as welfare programs and unemployment benefits, may create incentives for work and entrepreneurship that foster a culture of dependency among the population. This could impede productivity growth and perpetuate poverty traps in developing economies.

5. Neglect of Structural Reforms: Keynesian economics often concentrates on short-term demand management instead of addressing fundamental structural issues in developing economies. Without implementing structural reforms to enhance governance, bolster institutional capacity, and promote market-friendly policies, Keynesian interventions may fail to tackle the root causes of poverty and underdevelopment.

In essence, Nickel suggests that while Keynesian economics may have its merits, its application in developing nations warrants careful consideration to avoid exacerbating poverty and hindering long-term economic progress.

In his works, Nickel puts forth various alternatives to neoliberalism. However, critics contend that his ideas are utopian and impractical, lacking feasibility in real-world implementation.

Here are some criticisms of Nicklas Nickel's views:

1. Lack of Attention to the Role of Government: While "Nicklas Nickel" emphasizes the influence of the government in the economy, critics argue that he did not pay enough attention to the determining role of the government in setting laws and regulations. Additionally, insufficient attention has been given to the government's role in regulating the economy and maintaining social stability.

2. Deviation from the Principles of Supply and Demand Balance: In some cases, the Austrian view, as advocated by Nickel, may deviate from the principles of supply and demand balance. Critics argue that this deviation leads to the defense of ideological ideas that may not necessarily lead to practical economic improvements.

3. Neglect of Individual Differences: Critics argue that Nickel does not adequately consider individual differences in different societies and circumstances. This oversight could potentially lead to discrimination in the impact of economic policies.

Nicklas Nickel

Nickel's Political Activities

In addition to his economic activities, Nickel has also been active in politics. He has been a staunch critic of authoritarian regimes and has supported democratic reforms around the world. Considering himself indebted to Professor Amartya Sen's views and activities, Nickel believes that economic growth and development are key to achieving a more democratic government. He has always strived to strengthen people-oriented foundations in developing countries, particularly in the Middle East. Furthermore, in his books titled "Machiavelli" and "Neo-Bonapartism," Nickel has articulated his thoughts, comparing the performance of contemporary politicians to the views of Machiavelli and Neo-Bonapartism, aiming to familiarize the non-academic and general society with the actions of these politicians.

However, some of Nickel's political activities have been controversial. For instance, he has faced criticism for supporting Bernie Sanders in the 2016 US presidential election and for strongly criticizing Donald Trump.

Nickel is recognized for his commitment to human rights, particularly in the Middle East and Israel. As a religious Zionist, he supports a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Additionally, Nickel has been a vocal critic of Donald Trump's policies.

Nickel responded to this contradiction. As a Zionist, he believes that Jerusalem was the old religious capital of Christians and Jews, while until two hundred years ago, this city was not of much religious importance to Muslims. Even now, for the Palestinians and the Israelis, the division of this city into two parts causes tension, so it is better to leave the conflict in Jerusalem to the Israelis with a Machiavellian view, and in return, an area on the eastern side of the Gaza Strip is given to the Palestinians, and with the formation of two states resolve this dispute independently. Also, Nickel supported Abraham Trump's peace plan and considers this plan to be the best way to solve this conflict, while he is a staunch critic of Trump. In response to this contradiction, he proposed his Machiavellian approach to this issue.

The first volume of the trilogy 'Awareness and Economics' is titled 'Origins of Awareness and Modern Economics', 2021


Awareness and Economics: Origins of Awareness and Modern Economics

Awareness and Economics: Awareness and Economics in Experience of Modernity and path to Development

Awareness and Economics: Politics, Organization and Technology


Public Choice theory


Relative Deprivation Theory


Beyond Capitalism: A Comparative Study of Socialism, Communism, and Marxism

Awareness and Economics: Origins of Awareness and Modern Economics

In his book "Awareness and Economics: Origins of Awareness and Modern Economics", Nicklas Nickel delves into the intricate relationship between public awareness and economic prosperity. Challenging conventional wisdom, Nickel asserts that economic growth is not merely a product of top-down policies and market forces; rather, it is deeply intertwined with the collective consciousness of a society.

Nickel embarks on a historical journey, tracing the evolution of economic thought from its ancient roots to the rise of modern economics. He meticulously examines the contributions of key thinkers, from Adam Smith to Karl Marx, shedding light on the profound impact of their ideas on our current economic landscape.

A central theme throughout the book is the notion that economic progress is not solely determined by material factors. Nickel argues that a society's level of consciousness, encompassing its values, beliefs, and understanding of the world, plays a crucial role in shaping its economic trajectory.

Nickel contends that an enlightened citizenry, equipped with critical thinking skills and a broader worldview, is better positioned to drive innovation, foster entrepreneurship, and make informed economic decisions. He emphasizes the importance of education, open discourse, and the free flow of information in cultivating a society that is both economically vibrant and socially just.

The book challenges readers to rethink their assumptions about the drivers of economic growth and development. Nickel's work serves as a powerful reminder that economics is not merely a technical discipline but a deeply human endeavor, inextricably linked to the consciousness of the individuals who make up a society.

The second volume of the trilogy 'Awareness and Economics' is titled 'Awareness and Economics in the Experience of Modernity and the Path to Development', 2021

Awareness and Economics: Awareness and Economics in Experience of Modernity and path to Development

In the second book of his trilogy, "Awareness and Economics: Awareness and Economics in Experience of Modernity and path to Development", Nicklas Nickel delves into the relationship between consciousness, economics, and development.

Building on the first book, Nickel examines the evolution of development theories and their impact on the modern world. He analyzes the works of renowned theorists and practitioners, highlighting diverse perspectives on economic progress.

Nickel challenges the notion of a singular path to development, arguing that it is a multifaceted process encompassing social transformation, cultural enrichment, and human well-being. He introduces the concept of "conscious development", emphasizing the role of individual and collective consciousness in shaping development outcomes.

Nickel stresses the importance of critical thinking, creativity, and innovation for sustainable development. He advocates for educational systems that nurture these qualities and enable individuals to contribute to their societies' advancement.

The book concludes with a call for a renewed approach to development, one that recognizes consciousness and places human well-being at the forefront of economic decision-making. Nickel's work highlights the human aspect of development, challenging readers to rethink their assumptions and reimagine the possibilities for a more just and equitable future.

Beyond Capitalism A Comparative Study of Socialism, Communism, and Marxism authored by Nicklas Nickel

Awareness and Economics Awareness and Economics in Experience of Modernity and path to Development authored by Nicklas Nickel

Awareness and Economics: Politics, Organization and Technology

In the culminating volume of his groundbreaking trilogy, “Awareness and Economics: Politics, Organization and Technology”, Nicklas Nickel embarks on a profound exploration of the intricate interplay between consciousness, economics, and the architecture of our political, organizational, and technological systems.

Building upon the foundations laid in the first two books, Nickel delves into the contemporary landscape, examining the ways in which our economic decisions and structures are shaped by, and in turn shape, the political, organizational, and technological spheres. He meticulously analyzes the complex dynamics at play, shedding light on the often-unseen forces that influence our economic realities.

Nickel challenges readers to critically examine the power dynamics inherent in our political systems, questioning the extent to which they truly represent the collective will of the people. He explores the role of organizations, both private and public, in shaping economic outcomes, highlighting the potential for both positive and negative impacts. And he delves into the transformative power of technology, examining its potential to revolutionize economic processes and empower individuals.

Central to Nickel's analysis is the concept of “conscious governance”, a framework that emphasizes the need for conscious design and management of political, organizational, and technological systems to promote economic prosperity and social equity. He contends that true economic progress cannot be achieved without a holistic approach that considers the interdependencies between these spheres.

Nickel highlights the importance of fostering a culture of democratic participation, transparency, and accountability in governance. He advocates for organizational structures that empower individuals, promote collaboration, and align with the common good. And he calls for a responsible and ethical approach to technological development, one that prioritizes human well-being and environmental sustainability.

The book concludes with a vision for a future where consciousness permeates all aspects of our economic and societal systems, leading to a more just, equitable, and sustainable world. Nickel's work serves as a powerful reminder that we have the power to shape our economic destiny, but only if we approach it with a clear understanding of the complex interplay between consciousness, economics, and the institutions that govern our lives.

Beyond Capitalism: A Comparative Study of Socialism, Communism, and Marxism

In his thought-provoking book, “Beyond Capitalism: A Comparative Study of Socialism, Communism, and Marxism”, Nicklas Nickel embarks on a comprehensive exploration of alternative economic systems, venturing beyond the confines of capitalism to delve into the multifaceted world of communism, Marxism, and socialism.

With a keen eye for historical context and theoretical nuance, Nickel dissects the core tenets of these ideologies, tracing their intellectual origins, analyzing their practical applications, and evaluating their successes and failures. He challenges readers to move beyond simplistic dichotomies and engage in a critical assessment of these often-misunderstood systems.

Nickel begins by examining the fundamental principles of communism, exploring its utopian vision of a classless, stateless society characterized by common ownership of the means of production. He delves into the works of seminal communist thinkers, from Karl Marx to Friedrich Engels, and analyzes the historical attempts to implement communist ideals, from the Soviet Union to China.

Next, Nickel turns his attention to Marxism, the theoretical framework that underpins communism. He examines Marx's critique of capitalism, his analysis of class struggle, and his predictions about the inevitable demise of capitalism. Nickel also explores the various strands of Marxism, from Leninism to Trotskyism, and their impact on the course of history.

Finally, Nickel delves into the diverse landscape of socialism, encompassing a wide range of political and economic systems that advocate for social ownership of the means of production and a more equitable distribution of wealth. He analyzes the various models of socialism, from democratic socialism to welfare capitalism, and their practical implementations in countries around the world.

Throughout his analysis, Nickel maintains a critical stance, challenging both the orthodox interpretations of these ideologies and the often-caricatured depictions of them in popular discourse. He encourages readers to engage in a nuanced understanding of these complex systems, recognizing their strengths and weaknesses while avoiding simplistic generalizations.

The book "Machiavelli" is written by Nicklas Nickel, 2018


In his captivating exploration, “Machiavelli”, Nicklas Nickel delves into the profound and often misunderstood world of Niccolò Machiavelli, the Florentine statesman and philosopher whose name has become synonymous with both political pragmatism and ruthless cunning.

Nickel meticulously dissects Machiavelli's seminal works, including *The Prince* and *The Discourses*, shedding light on the complex motivations and astute observations that lie at the heart of his political thought. He challenges readers to move beyond simplistic interpretations and engage with Machiavelli's ideas on power, morality, and the nature of governance in a critical and nuanced manner.

Nickel traces the intellectual influences that shaped Machiavelli's worldview, from the tumultuous political landscape of Renaissance Italy to the classical texts that informed his understanding of human nature and statecraft. He examines Machiavelli's engagement with contemporary debates about ethics, leadership, and the role of the state, highlighting the context in which his ideas emerged.

The book delves into the controversies surrounding Machiavelli's legacy, addressing the accusations of immorality and cynicism that have often been leveled against him. Nickel argues that Machiavelli's writings offer not a moral compass but a realistic assessment of political power dynamics, providing valuable insights into the challenges and complexities of statecraft.

The book "Public Choice Theory" is written by Nicklas Nickel, 2018

Public Choice theory

Nicklas Nickel's book delves into the “Public Choice Theory”, a prominent approach within economics that examines the intersection of politics and economic decision-making.

The book critiques mainstream economics for neglecting the entwined nature of economics and politics, a core concept in 18th-century political economy. Nickel argues that neoclassical economics has increasingly separated these spheres, leading to a limited understanding.

The “Public Choice Theory” attempts to bridge this gap by applying economic methodology to the study of politics and social developments. Nickel dissects the theory, starting with its current challenges. He then analyzes the contributions of key theorists, exploring their diverse intellectual and political backgrounds.

This book offers a critical examination of the Public Choice Theory, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the complex interplay between economics and political power.

The book "Functionalism," written by Nicklas Nickel, was published in 2020


In his book “Functionalism”, Nicklas Nickel embarks on a comprehensive exploration of this foundational sociological theory. He traces the historical development of functionalism, from its classical roots in the works of thinkers like Herbert Spencer and Émile Durkheim to its modern iterations in the form of structural functionalism and neo-functionalism.

Nickel delves into the core tenets of functionalism, examining its ontology, epistemology, and methodology. He provides readers with a thorough understanding of how functionalists approach the study of society, emphasizing the interconnectedness of its various parts and their contribution to social stability.

The book also explores the evolution of functionalism in the 20th century, analyzing its influence on fields like the philosophy of mind and psychology. Nickel highlights the key figures and theories associated with functionalism, offering a nuanced perspective on its achievements and limitations.

Recognizing that functionalism has not been without its critics, Nickel examines the challenges and critiques levied against the theory. He explores how it has been embraced, deformed, and even abandoned at times within various academic circles.

Ultimately, Nickel argues that the legacy of functionalism remains significant. Its influence continues to be felt in social science and the humanities, even in works that challenge its core assumptions.

The book "Relative Deprivation Theory" was published in 2022

Relative Deprivation Theory

In his book, “Relative Deprivation Theory”, Nicklas Nickel delves into the concept of relative deprivation, a key explanation for social discontent. The theory focuses on the feeling of being deprived of something one believes they deserve, particularly when compared to others.

Nickel emphasizes the role of social comparison in relative deprivation. People's perceptions of their own situation are shaped by how they compare themselves to others. This comparison can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction if individuals believe they have less than they deserve.

The book unpacks the concept, explaining how relative deprivation arises from the gap between an individual's mental image of an ideal situation and their ability to achieve it. Nickel explores the contrasting subjective experiences of comparing oneself to someone better off versus someone worse off, highlighting the psychological mechanisms at play.

Nicklas Nickel wrote the book "Neobonapartism" in 2020


In his book, “Neo-Bonapartism”, Nicklas Nickel delves into the concept of neo-Bonapartism, a political phenomenon drawing parallels to the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte and his nephew, Napoleon III.

Nickel argues that while the term itself lacks a prominent presence in political literature, it draws heavily from the established concepts of Caesarism and Bonapartism. Understanding these historical forms of authoritarian rule is crucial to grasping neo-Bonapartism.

The book dedicates a significant chapter to Karl Marx, considered the first major theorist to explore neo-Bonapartism. Nickel then expands on other relevant theorists' perspectives.

Building on the foundation of past Bonapartes, Nickel explores the 20th and 21st centuries through the lens of neo-Bonapartism. He argues that elements of this concept can be found in the political spheres of various countries, particularly developing ones, despite a lack of extensive scholarly literature on the topic.

“Neo-Bonapartism” offers a fresh perspective on contemporary political leadership by drawing connections to historical figures and theoretical frameworks.
