Kephalaia of the Teacher

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Kephalaia of the Teacher  
Country Roman Empire
Language Coptic
Subject(s) Manichaeism

The Kephalaia of the Teacher is a Manichaean text. It is a Coptic text that was found as part of the Medinet Madi Library.


Chapter Title
0 (Introduction)
1 Concerning the Advent of the Apostle.
2 The Second, concerning the Parable of the Tree.
3 The Interpretation of Happiness, Wisdom and Power; what they signify.
4 Concerning the Four great Days that have come forth from one another; together with the Four Nights.
5 Concerning Four Hunters of Light and Four of Darkness.
6 Concerning the Five Storehouses that have poured forth from the Land of Darkness since the Beginning; the Five Rulers, the Five Spirits, the Five Bodies, the Five Tastes.
7 The Seventh, concerning the Five Fathers.
8 Concerning the Fourteen Vehicles that Jesus has boarded.
9 The Explanation of the Peace, what it is; the Right Hand; the Kiss; the Salutation.
10 Concerning the Interpretation of the Fourteen great Aeons, about which Sethel has spoken in his Prayer.
11 Concerning the Interpretation of all the Fathers of Light, who are distinguished from one another.
12 Concerning the Interpretation of the Five Words that are proclaimed in the Universe.
13 Concerning the Five Saviours, the Resurrectors of they who are Dead; together with the Five Resurrections.
14 The Interpretation of the Silence, the Fast, the Peace, the Day, and the Rest; what they are.
15 Concerning the ... Five Parts ... Worlds of ...
16 Concerning the Five Greatnesses who went forth against the Darkness.
17 The Chapter of the Three Seasons.
18 Concerning the Five Wars that the Sons of Light waged with the Sons of Darkness.
19 Concerning the Five Releases; what they are.
20 The Chapter of the Name of the Fathers.
21 Concerning the Father of Greatness: how he is established and determined.
22 ... the Land of Light.
23 ... which ...
24 ...
25 Concerning the Advent of Five Fathers from the Five Limbs of the Father.
26 Concerning the First Man and the Ambassador and the Ship; what they resemble.
27 Concerning the Five Forms that exist in the Rulers of Darkness.
28 Concerning the Twelve judges of the Father.
29 Concerning the Eighteen great Thrones of all the Fathers.
30 Concerning the Three Garments.
31 Concerning the Summons, in which Limb of the Soul it descended to the First Man.
32 Concerning the Seven Works of the Living Spirit.
33 Concerning the Five Things that he constructed with the hard Bodies of the Rulers.
34 Concerning the Ten Things that the Ambas-sador began by his Advent.
35 Concerning the Four Works of the Ambassador.
36 Concerning the Wheel that exists in front of the King of Honour.
37 Concerning the Three Zones.
38 Concerning the Light Mind and the Apostles and the Saints.
39 Concerning the Three Days and the Two Deaths.
40 Concerning the Three Things that were established by the Light.
41 Concerning the Three Blows that befell the Enemy because of the Light.
42 Concerning the Three Vessels.
43 Concerning the Vessels.
44 Concerning the Sea Giant.
45 Concerning the Vessels.
46 Concerning the Ambassador.
47 Concerning the Four great Things.
48 Concerning the Conduits.
49 Concerning the Wheel and the Conduits.
50 Concerning these Names: God, Rich One, and Angel; who they are.
51 Concerning the First Man.
52 Concerning the ... of the Light.
53 Concerning the First Man.
54 Concerning the Quality of the Garments.
55 Concerning the Fashioning of Adam.
56 Concerning Saklas and his Powers.
57 Concerning the Generation of Adam.
58 The Four Powers that grieve.
59 The Chapter of the Elements that wept.
60 Concerning the Four Fathers; what they are like.
61 Concerning the Garment of the Waters: how great is its Measure.
62 Concerning the Three Rocks.
63 Concerning Love.
64 Concerning Adam.
65 Concerning the Sun.
66 Concerning the Ambassador.
67 Concerning the Light-Giver.
68 Concerning Fire.
69 Concerning the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac and the Five Stars.
70 Concerning the Body: It was constructed after the Pattern of the Universe.
71 Concerning the Gathering in of the Elements.
72 Concerning the worn and torn apart Garments, or the tattered Clothes, or the Elements, the Cross, and the rest too.
73 Concerning the Envy of Matter.
74 Concerning the living Fire: It is present in Eight Places.
75 Concerning the Letter (?).
76 Concerning Lord Manichaios: how he journeyed.
77 The Chapter of the Four Kingdoms.
78 Concerning the Four Things over which People kill each other.
79 Concerning the Fasting of the Saints.
80 The Chapter of the Commandments of Righteousness.
81 The Chapter of Fasting, for it engenders a Host of Angels.
82 The Chapter of Righteous Judgement.
83 Concerning the Man who is ugly in his Body, but beautiful in his Soul.
84 Concerning Wisdom; it is far superior when on the Tongue than in the Heart of the Person.
85 Concerning the Cross of Light: ... trample upon it.
86 The Chapter of the Man who asks: Why am I sometimes at peace, and troubled at other times?
87 Concerning the Alms, that ... life in the Church.
88 Concerning the Catechumen who found fault with the Elect: why he is angry.
89 The Chapter of the Nazorean who questions the Teacher.
90 Concerning the Fifteen Paths; and whether the Catechumen would have avoided causing his Wealth to go on the Three Paths to Gehenna.
91 Also concerning the Catechumen; shall he be saved in a single Body?
92 The Apostle is asked: Why when you drew every thing in the Picture (-Book), did you not draw the Purification of the Catechumens who shall be cleansed by Transmigration?
93 A Catechumen asked the Apostle: When I give an Offering to the Saints, shall I inflict a Wound on the Alms?
94 Concerning the Purification of these Four Elements that have been placed in the Flesh.
95 The Apostle asks his Disciples: What is Cloud?
96 The Three Earths that exist, they bear Fruit.
97 Concerning the Three Creations of the Flesh: the ones that were brought forth ...; and the ones that were begotten by the Abortions; and the ones that were formed of themselves.
98 What is Virginal; or, otherwise, what is Continent?
99 Concerning Transmigration.
100 Concerning the Dragon with Fourteen Heads; what it is and...
101 Concerning why, if the Person shall look down into Water, ...
102 Concerning the Light Mind, why it does not exercise Foreknowledge for the Saint as for the Apostle.
103 Concerning the Five Wonders that the Light Mind shall display in the Elect.
104 Concerning Food: It shall be allocated to Five Products of the human Body.
105 Concerning the Three Things that are great with Mankind, as they are running all the time, in that they ...
106 There is no Joy that shall remain in the World till the End.
107 Concerning the Form of the Word, that ...
108 Concerning the Seed Grain that shall be formed by the Elements, a nd also be destroyed by them.
109 Concerning the Fifty Lord's Days; to what Mysteries do they correspond? Or the Second (Fifty); to whose Sign (are they)?
110 Concerning the Nourishment of the Person, for there are Powers in it ...
111 Concerning the Four Archetypes that occur in the Eye, and the Fifth that is hidden in them; to whom do they belong?
112 The Human is less than all the Things of the Universe, and he is rebellious beyond them all.
113 The Chapter on whether any Light comes from the Three Vessels.
114 Concerning the Three Images that are in the righteous Person.
115 The Catechumen asks the Apostle: Will Rest come about for Someone who has come out of the Body, if the Saints pray over and make an Alms-offering for him?
116 Concerning why if a Nail is cut the Person shall not be sick; but if a Limb is cut he shall immediately be pained.
117 Concerning why Some shall delay to come forth from the Body, and Others die in an instant.
118 ...
119 ...
120 Concerning the Two Essences.
121 Concerning the Sect of the Basket.
122 Concerning the 'Assent' and the 'Amen'.


  • Gardner, Iain (1995). The Kephalaia of the Teacher. Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies. 37. Leiden: Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-10248-4.