Sons of the Red Star

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The Sons of the Red Star one of the legions in the Mythic Legions fictional setting.

Mythic Legions


These assassins for hire are led by Skapular the Cryptbreaker. A mastery of weapons and close combat along with a thirst for money and influence unite this diverse band of cutthroats.

The youngest daughter of Malachi Cinderhorn, Manisha left her father’s side many years ago. Manisha believes that the Shadow Elves’ jealousy of the other Fae-born blinds them to opportunities to increase their own influence within the Realm. She aligned herself with the Sons of the Red Star as a way to prove to her father that her people should focus on their own self-interests over fealty to a decaying god. One of the most intelligent individuals within the ranks of the Sons, Manisha knows that a sharp mind is often as useful as a sharp blade, and Skapular trusts her to determine which of these she must use in her assignments.
  • Sir Girard (Male Changeling Commander of the Dark Templars)
Enjoying a position of power in the Sons of the Red Star, Sir Girard has the distinct privilege of being the Commander of the Dark Templars. A changeling whose appearance shifts with his current situation, he is seemingly part of Veteris’ secret plot to overthrow Skapular the Cryptbreaker and can sometimes be seen wearing a visage that is strikingly similar to Skapular's own. Where does this warrior’s loyalty really lie and who will his Dark Templars fight for in the end? Only Sir Girard knows that answer.
Seldom seen, rarely heard and never touched, some question the very existence of Gryshaa the Slytherer. If they could still say anything at all, the victims that have met Gryshaa in their last moments would confirm that Gryshaa is more than a tall tale. A high-ranking member of Skapular the Cryptbreaker’s Sons of the Red Star, this stealthy and deadly assassin has the uncanny ability to seemingly appear out of thin air and a penchant for razor sharp blades of all shapes and sizes. With so little known about this dangerous enigma, one can only be sure that if Gryshaa the Slytherer is hunting you, your days will be short.
Note: The biography avoids mentioning the sex of Gryshaa the Slitherer, although a male torso is used on the figure.
A complete anomaly Mercurian Coliseum, Keltus was the first and only fighter to meld magic with gladiatorial combat. Despised by his fellow combatants yet adored by the bloodthirsty crowds, he could spectacularly level the mightiest of foes with the mere utterance of magical incantation. Once he escaped the coliseum Keltuss' fame opened many opportunities. The promise of fortune and renown ultimately lured Keltuss to join Skapular and the Sons of the Red Star.
An outcast who hails from the Swale region of Xylonia, Mephitor is a cunning spy who exploits his unique knowledge of his homeland to spy on members of Xylona's Flock. A treacherous traitor loyal to none, this scoundrel is willing to work for anyone wealthy enough to pay his price. With a foul ability direct a spray of toxic gas in his enemies' direction, Mephitor's attack is as unpleasant as it is deadly.
The favorite son from a nest of Skorrian assassins, Diis Paatar is one of the most ambitious killers in the Sons of the Red Star. Diis has made a name for himself through some of the boldest, and others would say most reckless, assassinations in recent memory. Through his success, Diis has made it known to all that his goal is to supplant Gryshaa the Slytherer as Skapular’s favorite killer within the Sons and make his Skorrian brethren a key part of the faction's chain of power. These claims have brought the Skorrian to the attention of the Slytherer, setting up a conflict between two of the Realm’s deadliest assassins.
  • Pixxus (Male Human Skeleton Soldier)
The Mercurian army was once arguably the most effective fighting force in all of Mythoss. Pixxus was part of the army's upper echelon and fought side by side with his legendary brother in arms Vitus. Pixxus gave his life in an heroic effort to save an injured Vitus in the final battle fought by the doomed Mercurian army. After being resurrected by the same Necronominian sorcery that drained his life, Pixxus is now consumed with hatred for all that live. Resentment at being torn away from death led to his rejection of the Congregation of Necronominius. He has finally found a home among the Sons of the Red Star, where he can let his hate flow freely as he lines his coffers with gold.
Born into the Congregation of Necronominus, Skapular the Cryptbreaker is anything but loyal to his Order. Living an opulent life of greed and depravity has driven Skapular to sell his deadly services to the highest bidder. As an assassin with a mastery of every weapon imaginable, Skapular is a powerful warrior, but his wealth and influence proves even more formidable. Along with the group of killers known as The Sons of the Red Star that he has assembled, Skapular's dangerous methods possess the capability to change the outcome of many a battle.
Never known for his modesty, Skapular the Cryptbreaker enjoys beauty and opulence in all things. There were those within the Sons of the Red Star who thought he had gone mad when he nearly emptied his coffers to acquire a steed he deemed worthy of his station. Those whispers were immediately silenced the first time the undead assassin rode forth on his dark unicorn, Uumbra. A powerfully magical creature whose existence was thought to be little more than a fairytale from the earliest days of the Realm, Skapular enjoys bragging about how he paid a kingly fortune in order to secure the unicorn from “beyond the shores of Mythoss.” More than just a showpiece, Uumbra’s magic has helped Skapular execute some of his most daring capers, and escape from some of his closet calls, in his time as leader of the Sons of the Red Star.
Reputed to be the richest murderer in Mythoss, Lord Veteris is as cunning as he is famous. Vast wealth affords Veteris a lavish lifestyle of almost unimaginable opulence and although he could easily retire to a life of luxury and comfort, the thrill of the kill has kept the assassin fully and ruthlessly engaged in the art of bloodmoney. A loose affiliate of The Sons of the Red Star, Lord Veteris’ ambition is to one day overthrow Skapular and take The Sons under his own deadly wing.



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